Stone walls from the Inca period. Do not put a pin in the joint!

03. 08. 2021
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It always seemed strange to me why our ancestors built stone walls in such a complicated way. The stone blocks were irregular in shape and size. At the same time, they still fit together with laser precision. There is no chance of you getting a razor, pin or sheet of paper in the joint. It is said that the advantage of such masonry is great stability and resistance to earthquakes.

It took me a long time to see the obvious thing again. Our ancestors respected the functioning of nature. Its naturalness, harmony, balance… kind of perfect ingenuity. In other words: Where else in nature can we find the same pattern - a structure resembling fractal? After all, nature creates on the basis of fractals!

The forgotten heritage of the gods

You also wonder who the ancient builders really were? What fate befell them that they had to leave their homes? Where has the glory of that civilization that managed to build walls in a way that we 21st century people cannot faithfully imitate? Book Valery Uvarova - Pyramids: The Legacy of the Gods, tells the story of the coexistence and cooperation of gods and man on Earth before the great catastrophe - The great flood of the world. Be part of the story and support Please book translation project and book it in advance.

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