Where did Adam's genes take?

1 13. 08. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

According to whose image Adam was created, the prototype of modern man - homo sapiens?

The Bible states that the Elohim then said, "Let us make man to his image, according to his likeness ..." However, if we accept a conditional explanation of the mysterious origin of a special set of human genes offered by science after the end of the human genome project in mid-February 2000, then a group of bacteria is responsible for it!

Humbling (humiliation) was the predominant adjective used by members of scientific teams and the media, announcing significant insights - namely, that the human genome does not have the estimated one hundred to forty thousand genes (in a helix of DNA that regulates amino acid and protein production) but just over thirty thousand . That is, a little more than double the octopus fly genes (13 601) and about 50% surpass the rainfall (19 098). A sudden fall from the tip of Genetic Tree of Life ...!

The idea of ​​the uniqueness of the human genome has collapsed. It turned out that from the chimpanzee we have 99%, and not only the assumed 95% common, and up to 70% we are approaching mice. It has been found that supposedly human genes also have all vertebrates, as well as invertebrates, plants, fungi, and even yeasts with the same function. The findings have confirmed that all Earth's DNA has a shared resource, allowing scientists to reconstruct the development process plan. It can be traced back to how the genetically more complex organisms, which at each stage adopted the genes of lower life forms and created increasingly complex and higher life forms - culminating in Homo sapiens, developed from the originally simple.



But on the vertical curve of the evolutionary line contained in human and other genomes analyzed, scientists have come across something incomprehensible. The article published in the scientific journal Science is like The head-scratching discovery by the Public Consortium indicates the fact that the human genome contains 223 genes that do not have any necessary precursors on the genetic evolution chart.

So how did one come to these mysterious genes?

Throughout evolutionary evolution, from bacteria to invertebrates (such as pedigrees of yeasts, worms and flies - which have been deciphered) to vertebrates (mice, chimpanzees) and eventually to modern humans, these 223 genes are completely absent in the previous phases. Certainly, scientists can explain their presence in the human genome by citing rather recent (on the time scale of evolution) probably a horizontal transfer through bacteria.

In other words: It is assumed that in a relatively recent developmental phase, the modern human of the entire 223 genes gained not the result of gradual evolution vertical branches of the Tree of Life), but on a horizontal line, in the form of a side deposit of genetic material - from bacteria ... !?


An amazing difference

At first glance, it may seem that their 223 genes do not have much. In fact, every single gene is the cause of significant differences in each individuality, so 223 genes are in species like we are an amazing, literally peculiar difference.

The human genome consists of more than three billion nucleotides, where the letters ACGT are the initials of four nucleic acids, the combination of which spells all forms of earthly life. Of these, only a little more than one percent is grouped into functional genes. The record of each of these genes contains thousands of lines filled with combinations of the four letters. The difference between two people can be said to be the only difference letter between the thousands of initials contained in alphabet DNA record. Yes. The genetic difference between humans and the chimpanzee is less than one percent, but one percent of 30 000 genes are 300 genes.

Even 223 genes represent more than two thirds of the difference between me and you and the chimpanzee!

Analysis of the function of these genes by means of spelling of proteins, according to the result Public Consortium Team published in the journal Nature, showed that while none of them is important to body physiognomy, but all are related to psychic functions. More than that, they are responsible for the formation of important neuro-enzymes, a branch that occurs only in the mitochondrial portion of DNA - the so-called Evidence of DNK, mankind is inherited only after the maternity line leading back to the first Eve. This discovery itself casts doubt on the interpretation of insertion surplus code through bacteria.


Vratná teorie

How confident are scientists, assuming that so important and complex genes responsible for tremendous human benefits have been obtained probably later, kind through infectious bacteria?

"It was a jump that does not fit with current evolutionary theories," says Steven Scherer, director of the Human Genome Sequence Mapping Center at Baylor College of Medicine.

"We are not able to identify any so much preferred source of bacteria that would be able to carry out the supposed horizontal gene transfer," says Nature.

The Public Consortium team, conducting detailed research, found that 113 genes (from 223 in total): "can be found in bakery," but it is totally absent in invertebrate animals. In unexplainable gene analysis, the analysis of the unexplained genes quickly showed that 35 identified only ten of its identical counterpart in vertebrates (from cows through rodents to fish), but 25 from 35 occurs exclusively in humans.

"It is unclear whether this transmission has taken place from bacteria to humans or humans to bacteria," says Science of Robert Waterson, the director of the University's University's Genome Sequencing Center.

But if, then, did humans pass these genes to bacteria, where did they get them before?


The role of Anunnaki

Biblical verses dealing with Adam's creation are a condensed reproduction of much more detailed Sumerian and Akkadian texts recorded on clay tablets in which the role of beings called Genesis Elohim attributed Anunnaki. Their name can be translated as: "Those who descended to Earth from heaven."

Anunnaki arrived on Earth in about 450 000 flights from Nibiru - a planet that is a member of our solar system and whose long orbit brings it to our part of the heavens after approximately 3600 years. They came because they needed gold to protect their damaged atmosphere. Because they needed help when they were exhausted in their mining, their chief scientist came Enki with a proposal to use their genetic knowledge to create the necessary primitive workers. The other Anunnaki leaders asked, "How can you create a new being?" He replied, "The being we need already exists. All we have to do is put our seal on her. ”

So it happened about 300 000 years ago.

What Enki meant was the genetic refinement of an existing hominid, which evolved on its own evolution, adding some of the genes developed by Anunnaki. That Anunnaki, who had been able to travel through the universe before 450 000 years ago, controlled the genetic science (on whose threshold we are now standing) can not be doubted. Clearly this results not only from current texts, but also from a number of images of double helix DNA in the form of two intertwined snakes. This is, moreover, a symbol still used for medicine and healing.

When the leaders of Anunnaki agreed to the project, they said, "Let's make Adam, Adam, to his image," Enki went on with Ninharsag, medical officer Anunnaki landing, into genetic engineering by adding and combining Anunnaki genes with genes of an existing hominid.

When, after many attempts and mistakes, as described in ancient records, finally reached the perfect Earthman model, the Ninharsag raised the child up and cried: "My hands did it!"


An extremely important matter

If further scientific research without any doubt does not confirm that the only possible source of surplus genes was indeed bacteria and also does not prove that infection has enabled horizontal transfer genes from bacteria to humans, and not vice versa, is the only remaining usable resolution that thousands of years old Sumerian texts offer.

Finally, this is probably the only way to explain the mystery of 223 foreign genes in our geonome. This is simultaneously confirmed by the modern science of the existence of Anunnaki and their genetic performance on Earth.


The information cited in this article was published by the Public Consortium in Nature, 15. February 2001 and Celera Genomics in Science from 16. February 2001.

Origin source of translation: GeWo


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