When declassification serves secrecy

1 05. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Declassifying UFO / ET is a commendable goal. We have been waiting for them for too long. It will change our world in a simple but far-reaching way. Still, it is full of danger.

Concealed initiatives that have been running UFO programs for the last sixty years are not interested in declassification that would make their way across the budget. They want the declassification of their budgets to be multiplied. And they have the power and the contacts that can help them realize it.

There are several UFO declassification scenarios and far from all of them have the best interests of humankind. In your book Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications (Contact with Extraterrestrial Beings: Evidence and Implications) I wrote about declassifying what the world needs. Honest. Open. One that will replace the secrets of democracies. Making information available to the public, which would be peaceful, scientific and full of hope.

But another declassification is possible - what these dark forces would imagine. Manipulated. Calculated so as to consolidate power and cause fear. Set to carefully inject the masses into chaos and deepen the need for the Big Brother.

Imagine these plans - it's not a nice picture.

I write this text as a warning. Warnings that the wolves in lambs are very clever. They have almost unlimited resources. Most of those who work with them do not even know they are evil wolves. It is even likely that many wolves are themselves convinced they are sheep.

The UFO is not as mysterious as the deliberately obscene and confused matter. Confusion and ambiguity conceal this matter and keep it out of reach of the public, while plans and power are silently consolidated. But for society, far more dangerous than this concealment, is declassification controlled by those who stand in shadow.

These plans have been created for many years - they are to be developed at the right time. At a time of great expectation. Social confusion. Perhaps at the end of the millennium?

Personally, I met a number of people involved in these plans. What I'm writing is not just speculation. Be aware that UFO declassification is very carefully planned. The whole thing will be carefully turned to contribute to the glory and power of the secret guards. It will be a false declassification, born of the ancient curse of human existence: selfishness and greed. Desires for power. Desires after checking. Desires for domination.

We must approach these matters in a mature, independent and informed way. Only a vigilant and informed public can see such fraud - and redress if such a dark plan develops. Every citizen needs to know that knowledge of the Truth comes from great good. But a mature citizen must also realize that the "truth" can be turned and rewound again and again until the goals of those who desire secret and overt power are met.

Just imagine: another declassification scenario is that UFOs and extraterrestrial beings are confirmed in a scientific and hopeful way. Excessive secrecy will come to an end without any control or oversight by Congress. Humanity will begin an open peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Technologies that are currently being suppressed can be disseminated. Pollution will end. A solid and stable economy of abundance and social justice will emerge. Global environmental destruction and mad global poverty will become a thing of the past. A device that uses zero-point energy will transform the world. Electro-gravity equipment allows air travel without requiring the covering of fertile soil with asphalt. As ET told Colonel Philip Cors, "It's a new world if you can accept it ...". Such declassification would be beneficial to humanity.

However, such disclosure could have occurred in 1950. Why did not that happen? Because such declassification would lead to a fundamental transformation of the status quo. Centralized energy systems would become obsolete. Oil would continue to be useful only for the production of lubricants and synthetic materials. The geo-political order, as we know it today, would be forgotten. Every country and every nation would have achieved such a high degree of progress that at the world table all nations would have equal rights. The power would have to be shared. Taking a peace other than earthly life would mean understanding the planet Earth as our small, organic homeland, which it really is. The huge, multi-billion-dollar global military-industrial sector would disappear and the dawn of universal spirituality would come.

Keep in mind that there are very powerful interest groups in the game who are frightened by this scenario. For them it would be the end of the world they know. The end of centralized, elite powers. The end of the controlled geopolitical order, which today leaves nearly 90% of people on Earth just a stone's throw away. These interest groups do not want to share their power with others.

Now let me describe the “declassification” that these control groups would be satisfied with. It is a false, false "declassification" that has only one clear goal: further consolidating their power and their paradigm. "Declassification" based on fear, not love. For war, not for peace. On division and conflict, not on unity. This is the dominant paradigm - but is slowly weakening. Carefully managed disclosure of the "facts" on UFOs and ETs should provide power to this paradigm. This is declassification that should be feared. It is a declassification that you need to watch out for. This is declassification, examples of which already exist.

Over the past nine years, I have had many meetings with secret agents who have worked on UFO programs - and I've often heard stories reminiscent of a spy novel. In the private high-tech industry, the Pentagon and the Midnight Meeting in a private residence were still on the same topic. The theme is huge, though at present hidden powers. Forces that go beyond government, as we know it - the government of elected representatives of the people is completely irrelevant to them. This topic has two main directions: the gradual hidden militarization of ET and the strange hidden religious tension that can only be perceived as bizarre.

Hands in hand here are really strange allies. War bombers and militarists work with industrialists who are in favor of strange eschatology: a dark perspective on the future, including alien Armageddon - or at least its threat. Such an outlook supports backward and fanatical religious thinking, as well as deep-seated military-industrial plans to expand space-to-space races.

It is a sad fact that the big players of the so-called "civil UFO community" are dragged by such beliefs and agendas. It is hard to believe, I admit it, but here I present to you what I have learned through my long-term survey.

From a military-industrial point of view, such declassification is the most appropriate, putting the question of UFO / ET as a threat. If there was a threat from the universe (as President Reagan liked to say), the need to fight it would be able to unify the world. That would provide the army with billions of extra dollars - and industry revenues for a century, if not longer. If you think the Cold War was costly, wait until you know the price tag for protection against this "threat". Cold-billed millions will be just pocket-size compared to it.

Reverse and fanatic religious groups are also very interested in meeting the threat of Armageddon. The eschatological paradigm, which is so well anchored in the belief systems of those who run UFO secret projects, is based on the image of a cosmic conflict in the heavens. Therefore, they feel the need to present the UFO / ET issue as an attack by evil aliens (in the religious terminology of "demons"). And that is what has already been achieved, with the kind permission of the "civil UFO community" and the tabloid media (which are virtually all the media at the moment ...).

Moreover, there is a subtext that cannot be perceived other than as a faintly raced racism. The "new myth" of UFOs includes "worthy ETs", who are always described as "Pleidians" - "pretty", bright, blue-eyed Aryan types. Obviously, "evil, bad aliens" are dark, smaller, strange and weird-smelling. This is nothing but the application of old, good human racism to extraterrestrial beings. Hitler could be proud of this nonsense and propaganda.

During our meeting, a multi-billionaire told me that he gave great support to initiatives that disseminate information about the so-called "extraterrestrial abductions" in the public's subconscious because he wanted to unite humanity around the fight against this "extraterrestrial threat". Later, this very influential man informed me that he believed these demonic aliens were the cause of all human and human history failures since Adam and Eve. Sound familiar?

The military interests involved in secret projects falsifying ET events, such as the kidnapping of persons associated with the military, aim to demonize UFO / ET phenomena. In doing so, they lay the foundations of fear and terror necessary for organized resistance to all ETs. And this serves the long-term need to justify global armies, even if world peace occurs. According to their scenario, "world peace" or, strictly speaking, peace on Earth could only be ensured if human trafficking unites against the "threat from space" referred to by President Reagan. (By the way, I personally think Reagan was the victim of misinformation of the experts who surrounded him and who manipulated him into the statement he made on the subject.)

According to this scenario, which is currently being tested on the UFO people community, we would obtain peace on Earth - in exchange for an interplanetary conflict. One step forward, ten steps back. Great.

Such a fake and fabricated “declassification” would only serve the agendas of powerful hidden interest groups in the military-industrial sector, as well as that strange collection of religious fanatics who crave Armageddon - and the sooner the better.

If the reader thinks such a strange amalgam of militarists and religious sects is unlikely, it is enough to recall the strange views of the Third Reich. Or, in the past, the views of the US Department of the Interior - such as the Cabinet Secretary during the Reagan era, named James Watt. When he was not aware that the microphone did not stop recording his comments, he declared (in 1980) that there was no need to worry about environmental problems, because soon Armageddon would come and the world would be destroyed ... The bizarre view of the man who created and applied policy for the US Department of the Interior was later published in the media. You can perceive it as a comic story, but what does it tell us about the extent to which such views can affect the UFO secrecy policy in general and declassification in particular? We have found that such opinions, though seemingly bizarre, strongly shape the development of the UFO secrecy policy.

And most worrisome of all, this strange mixture of military cosmic weaponry and bizarre religious beliefs are the dominant forces that shape both the "civil" UFO community and the planned eventual "declassification". You were warned.

For a rational and intelligent person such looks may seem ridiculous. Why, you can ask, would anyone want a space war, Armageddon and the destruction of the Earth? To understand this, you have to look at it from the point of view of those people who have believed these nonsense - people like James Watt. Why worry about a little deforestation, air pollution and dead oceanic areas if the whole world is going to be destroyed in a few years?

But these considerations go even further. This fanatical mindset includes the concept that Armageddon will return Christ and save good people. Nowadays, people can freely believe what they want. But we discovered a deliberate influence on UFO secrecy policy by imagining it. Some of these people want Armageddon - and they want it as soon as possible.

Militarists and warbirds who are eager to "kick off the assholes of aliens" (as told in the Independence Day film) may actually want to get an excuse justifying their existence and force the world to spend huge sums of money on a perceived (though fictitious) the universe.

But in the minds of some high-ranking people among those who drive UFO secrecy, these two views meet. In their mind there is a union of militarism and eschatology. To connect Star Wars and Armageddon.

When we looked at the history of the UFO community and the history of the UFO secret group, we could not ignore the progressive proliferation of the second group into the first. So much so that there are currently projects that are seemingly innocent civilian initiatives, but in fact they are completely controlled and funded by ultra-secret projects.

Our cautious examination of these projects has resulted in the alarming finding that deeply secretive agents of black projects work closely with alleged researchers, journalists and UFO community leaders. CIA operatives and military intelligence work with civilian think tanks, wealthy entrepreneurs, eschatologists and civilian technology consultants as well as scientists - who are themselves supporters of bizarre religious systems including the end of the world and aliens ...

These are the new “elected” planning to declassify the UFO / ET issue. They are in the pocket of financial and energy brokers who are controlled by secret groups responsible for UFO secrecy. It all looks like a civilian initiative. So innocent. So well meant. So “scientific”. And by the way, because of the Ufuns, your sky is falling on your head, and we need your money and your soul to defend you against them.

Don't be fooled. You must be aware of the dark scenarios that some would like to draw to the light of the world. And we need to know that there are alternatives. If the world is presented with a "declassification" that is xenophobic, militaristic, and frightening, you will know that it comes from the backstage of secret, dark groups working behind the scenes - no matter how respectable the person or group stands behind.

And remember: this "declassification" plan involves the attack of human-made UFOs on Earth on military installations on Earth. Such controlled use of modern technologies for fraudulent "alien attack" would be undertaken to "unveil" framed into a war context. In such a scenario, most people will be deceived that the threat of space is here - and that we must fight against it at all costs. But it will not be anything other than the long-term financial and social security of the military-industrial complex. This is precisely why people need to be able to detect and publish this kind of fraud.

But why should we wait for these dark scenarios to be launched into the unsuspecting world? Here is a better idea: why do not we unite and do not start a revelation that would be more similar to the first scenario described above? To the one that leads to peace, not to war. To the one that leads to a sustainable and beautiful world, without pollution, but with abundance of everything. That which relates to the unknown place of firing the particles of the beam weapon into the darkness of the universe.

I'll be glad if I can contact those who can come up with the first-hand knowledge of the machinations outlined in this article and who want to stop that madness. Darkness and secrets can not defend themselves if the light of the headlights shines directly on them. And the more of us will keep these reflectors in the hands, the better.

Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. We learn this lesson for thousands of years of human history. We stand at the beginning of the new era and a new world is waiting for us - but we must accept it and help to create it. If we remain idle, the world will go where others will lead it - at least in the short run.

Steven M. Greer MD

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