Lacerta - a crawling creature living in an underground world - 5. part

25. 07. 2016
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

   I confirm that the following text is absolute truth and it is no fiction. These are excerpts from the transcript of an interview that I made with a reptilian creature in December 1999.

   This creature has been in contact with my friend (whose name I give in the text only with the abbreviation EF), for several months. Let me say that I have been a skeptic all my life, about UFOs, aliens and other strange things, I thought EF was just telling me his dreams or fictional stories when he talked to me about his first contacts with a non-humanoid being. " Lacerta “.

   I was still a skeptic, even though I met her. It was December 16 last year. We met in a small, warm room, in the house of my old friend, near a town in the south of Sweden. Despite her prejudices, I saw her with my own eyes and knew she was not human. She said and showed me so many incredible things during this meeting that I can no longer deny the fact and truthfulness of her words. It's not another of the bad documents about UFOs and aliens that claim to be telling the truth, but in reality they are just fiction. I believe that this record contains a unique truth, so you should read it. If you're interested, send it to all your friends, via email, or copy the listing.

   I also confirm that various "supernatural" abilities of its kind, such as telepathy and telekinesis, were demonstrated within 3 hours and 6 minutes of action, and I am absolutely certain that these abilities were no tricks. Of course, the following text is difficult for someone to understand and believe when they have not experienced it in person, but I was really in touch with her mind and I am now absolutely sure that everything she said during our conversation is the absolute truth about our world. I cannot expect you to believe when you see that I am giving my simple words without evidence, but I cannot give you any evidence.

  Read the transcript of the interview and think about it; you may find the truth in these words.

Ole K.


Questions and Answers:

 Question: What do you say about your body temperature? You said you like lying in the sun. How does it affect your body?

    Answer: We are not mammals and in reptiles the body temperature depends on the temperature of our surroundings. If you touch my hand, you may feel colder than yours, because our normal body temperature is around 30 to 33 degrees Celsius. If we sit in the sun (especially naked and facing the sun, with our row of pads on our backs), our body temperature can rise by 8-9 degrees, in a matter of minutes. This increase causes the production of many enzymes and hormones in our body, our heart, brain and every organ becomes active and we feel very, very good. You people also enjoy it in the sun, but for us it is the greatest pleasure you can imagine (like your sexual arousal). We also enjoy bathing in very warm water or other fluids to raise our body temperature. If we are in the shade for a few hours, our temperature drops again to 30 to 33 degrees. It may not cause us any harm, but we feel much better in the sun. We have artificial solariums underground, but it's not the same as in the real sun.

Question: What do you eat?

Answer: Generally speaking, various foods like you: meat, fruits, vegetables, special types of mushrooms (from underground farms) and other things. We can also eat and digest some substances that are toxic to you. The main difference between you and us is that we have to eat meat because our body needs protein. We cannot eat completely like vegetarians, like your kind, because our digestion would stop working and we would die without meat after a few weeks or maybe months. Many of us eat raw meat and other things that would be disgusting to you. Personally, I prefer boiled meat and fruits from the Earth's surface, such as apples and oranges.

 Question: Can you tell me anything about the history and development of your kind? How old is your kind? Have you developed from primitive reptiles, as humanity developed from monkeys?

(Note that the author still believes Darwin's theory.)

Answer: Oh, it's a very long and complicated story and it will sound unbelievable to you, but it's true. I will try to explain it briefly. About 65 million years ago, many of our dinosaur ancestors died in a major global catastrophe. The reason for this extinction was not a natural disaster in an asteroid impact, as your scientists think, but a war between two enemy alien groups, which took place mainly in orbit and high in the atmosphere of our planet. According to our limited knowledge of the beginnings of this global war, it was the first alien war on planet Earth, but it certainly was not the last (and the future war is approaching, while the so-called "cold wars", as you call them, are still going on between your alien groups on your planet). , during the last 73 years).

Opponents in this 65 million-year-old war were two advanced races of aliens whose names are again unpronounceable for your language. I can say that your ears will hurt when I tell you the names in their original wording. One race was as humanoid as your species, (but much older) and came from this universe, from the solar system of the star in the constellation, which you call "Procyon" on star maps. We don't know much about the others, they were of reptile origin, but they have nothing to do with our own species, because we evolved from local lizards, without outside influence, except for our own successful manipulation of our genes. (More on that later.)

This advanced reptile race did not come from this universe, but from another multiversion bubble. You might call it another dimension. Your scientists have not really understood the true nature of the universe, because your illogical mind is unable to understand the simplest things and relies on dubious mathematics and numbers. This is part of the genetic programming of your species, which I will talk about later. Let me say that you are almost as far from understanding the universe as you were 500 years ago.

To understand the terms used, it will be necessary to understand that the alien species did not come from this universe, but from another "bubble" in the multiversa foam. It might be called another dimension, but that is not the right word to describe it. (By the way, the term "dimension" is generally misused as you understand it.)

It is a fact that you should realize that advanced species are able to walk through the bubbles of the universe, using - as you would call them - quantum technologies, sometimes in special ways, using only your mind. (My own species also has more developed mental abilities compared to your kind, but we are not able to cross the boundary between space bubbles without the help of a technique, but other species existing on this planet are capable and it feels like a magic wand, because they call it your ancestors.)

Back to our own history: the first race (humanoids) reached Earth about 150 years before the reptiles and formed several colonies on the former continents. There was a large colony on the continent you now call "Antarctica" and another on the continent you now call "Asia". These people lived on the planet without any problems, along with the animals you call dinosaurs. When advanced reptile species arrived in the system, the Procyon colonizers tried to communicate with the humanoids, but were unsuccessful, and within a few months a global war began. You must understand that both races were interested in this young planet, not for its nature and undeveloped species, but only for one reason - for minerals, especially copper.

To understand this, you must know that copper is a very important material for some advanced races even today because it is able to produce new stable elements together with some unstable elements if you operate a strong electromagnetic field at a precise angle to a strong nuclear interaction to create the resulting field by mixing the vibrations of these fields. Then there is a copper fusion with other elements in such a magnetic field, which can create a special force field that is very useful for various technological purposes. Both races wanted to get copper on Earth, and for that reason they fought in space, orbit, not a long war.

The humanoid species seemed to be successful at first during the war, but in the last battle the reptiles decided to use a powerful experimental weapon - a special kind of fusion bomb to destroy all forms of life on the planet, but not at the expense of valuable raw materials, especially copper. The bomb was detonated from space and exploded on the site of your planet, which you now call "Central America." Because it exploded in the ocean, it produced unpredictable fusions with hydrogen from the water, so the effect was much stronger than the reptiles expected. The deadly radiation, the formation of radioactive oxygen, the fallout of various particles and the nuclear cold for almost 200 years were the result of the explosion. Most humanoids were killed, and the reptiles lost interest in the planet for several years, for unknown reasons - perhaps because of radiation. Planet Earth was abandoned again and the animals on the surface became extinct.

By the way, one of the consequences of using a fusion bomb was the destruction of some elements and the emergence of other elements created in the fusion process, and one of these elements was Iridium. Today, your scientists see the concentration of Iridium in the soil as evidence of the impact of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. That's not true, but how else could you know that?

Most dinosaurs died. Not all during the explosion, but for the bad conditions that occurred after the war, especially the nuclear cold and climate change. Almost all dinosaurs and reptiles died out over the next 20 years. However, some of them, especially those living in the oceans, were able to survive another 200 to 300 years in this changed world, but even these species became extinct because of the climate. The nuclear winter ended after 200 years, but the Earth's climate remained colder than before. Despite this cataclysm, some species have been able to survive, such as fish (similar to current sharks), birds, small mammals (supposedly your ancestors), various reptiles such as crocodiles, and also survived a special species of small but evolved dinosaurs that evolved along with the last large species of reptiles, such as the one you call the tyrannosaurus.

These new reptiles walked on two legs and looked, for your imagination, like Iguanodon (it originated from the same species), but they were smaller (about 1,50 m tall), with some humanoid features, altered bone structure, had a larger skull and brain , a hand with a thumb that was able to grasp objects, a different metabolism and digestion, quality eyes placed in the middle of the head, like your eyes and most importantly… had a new, better brain structure. That was our direct ancestor.

There is a theory that the bomb's radiation was involved in mutating the organism of this new species, but this has not been proven. However, this little dinosaur with human characters evolved over the next 30 million years (as I said before, some species generally need more time to evolve than you think, unless this evolution is artificially induced, as was the case with you) from an animal to a more or less independent thinking being. These beings were developed enough to become intelligent in the next millions of years as they learned to change their behavior.

They lived in caves, instead of cold water, learned to use stones and branches as their first tools and to use fire as a means of heating their blood in particular, which was very important for the survival of our species. Over the next 20 million years, the species naturally divided into 27 subspecies, (unfortunately, former reptile species were more or less illogically prone to subspecies division during the evolutionary process. It is clear here that there was an unnecessarily high number of dinosaur species in earlier times ) and there were many fights between these subspecies, mostly for supremacy.

Nature was not very friendly to us, as far as we know, of the 27 subspecies, 24 of them disappeared in senseless battles and during evolution, because their organism and mind were not developed enough to survive and (as the main reason) were unable to change their blood temperature properly, if climate change has occurred. 50 million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs, only three, now also technologically advanced reptile species, remain on this planet, along with all other lower animals.

Through natural and artificial crossing, these three species were unified into one reptile species, and after the discovery of genetic manipulation, we were able to eliminate inappropriate genes in our genetic structure, causing a tendency to redistribute the species. According to our history and belief, this was the moment when our ultimate reptile race, as you see me today, saw the light of day through genetic engineering. That was about 10 million years ago, and our development has almost stopped at this point.

(In fact, there have been some minor changes in our appearance, toward larger humanoids and mammals, but we have not yet reassigned to subspecies.) As you can see, we are a very old race, compared to your species that once jumped like small monkeys in crowns trees, when we have devised the technique of colonizing other planets of this system, and have built large cities on this planet (which disappeared without traces during the ages) and manipulating their own genes while yours were still animal.

Ten million years ago, small monkeys began to grow and descended from trees to the ground, again due to climate change, especially on the African continent. But they evolved very slowly, as is normal in mammals, and if nothing extraordinary happened in your species, we couldn't sit here and discuss in your own comfortable modern house, but you would have to hide in caves, dressed in furs, and try Uncover the secrets of fire or you might be sitting in one of our zoos.

But things have evolved differently, and you are now the "peak of creation", you can sit in a modern house, and we have to hide and live underground, in remote areas of the planet. About 1,5 million years ago, other alien species arrived on Earth. They used to surprise the first species, more than 60 million years ago. It would be surprising if you knew how many different alien species are here today.

The interest of these humanoid species, which you now call "Illojim" (Elohim), was not about raw materials and copper, but to our surprise, apes - undeveloped races of humanoids - took over. Despite our presence on this planet, the aliens have decided to help the monkeys develop faster so that they can serve as a kind of race of slaves and soldiers in the coming wars. The fate of your species was not really important to us, but we did not like the presence of "Illojim" on our planet and they did not like our presence in their new "galactic zoo", so your sixth and seventh modifications of creation were the reason for the war between us. and them. You can read about this war, for example, in a book called The Bible, in a very special description. However, the whole truth is a very long and complex story.


Lacerta - part 4. 

Lacerta: a crafty creature living in the underground world

More parts from the series