The moon was placed in Earth's orbit to rule our planet

23. 10. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Famous English researcher David Icke argues that one of the most effective ways to control people is to reduce their perception of what is possible. If you program the perception of the possible and narrow it down, you will be extremely limited and then people will stop believing in the possibility of something outside this narrow spectrum of "allowed reality". The magazine writes about it "Esoterics and prognosis".


According to this researcher, the Moon, an artificial body launched by one technologically advanced civilization into Earth's orbit many millennia ago, plays a major role in this "programming" of our perception. D. Icke himself says about this "lunar matrix":

"I realized that the Moon is not what it claims to be. It is not a celestial body or a natural phenomenon, as it has always seemed to us… I assume, and I am not alone in this, that the Moon is actually a hollow artificial body. Only a very advanced race could have created him. She flew in to control the Earth, and what they're doing looks like a well-thought-out action plan. "

Such a moon can fundamentally affect the planet. After all, how our Earth rotates and at what angle the Earth's axis is inclined depends to a large extent on the Moon. So when the Moon appeared, life on Earth in the societies that existed here changed dramatically.

Of course, we see the solid moon as the reality we see, but it is basically an energy structure in the metaphysical universe. When she arrived, her appearance disrupted the structure of the world's wave information. After this happened, on the physical level of reality, this event was reflected in various catastrophes, when their description was preserved in ancient mythologies. It is no coincidence that many ancient myths say that "the earth turned upside down" after changing its axis of rotation. As a result, the world that existed before came to an end, and humanity was thrown back to the level of primitive cultures.


The distortion of the wave information structure of the world was reflected in the human mind, in its perception and in its psyche. Our perception of the world has completely changed and we have lost our original knowledge of our true nature. Legends about the Zulu people say that the moon was brought here hundreds of generations ago by two brothers, Vovan and Mpanka. They were known as water brothers. Their skin was covered with fish scales. This is fully in line with the Sumerian mentions of the Annunaki - a reptile race that flew to Earth in the same way as described in other legends of the ancient world. According to Sumerian clay tablets, the Anunnaki arrived under the command of two brothers. They called them Enki and Enlil. At least one of them - Enki - was symbolized under another name, which spoke of the relationship to water as in the legends of the Zulu tribe.

These legends tell how the brothers Vovani and Mpanka stole the egg-shaped moon from the Great Fire Dragon and pulled the yolk out of it, making it hollow. Then they rolled the moon across the sky to Earth and caused catastrophic events on the planet. Legends of the Zulu tribe also say that the brothers threatened to move the moon and cause new destruction if people did not do what they were told.

According to D. Ick, many ancient megalithic structures were built on Earth by this alien race to suppress the earth's energy field and strengthen the energy influence of the Moon. We are constantly interacting with the Earth's energy field, so in order to take control of humanity, they have to suppress this field.

Lunar matrix

At one point, Icke realized the existence of a "lunar matrix" - a transmission frequency coming from the moon that wedged into the range of human perception and disrupted their perception of the surrounding reality. They began to perceive reality in a strongly narrowed spectrum. This frequency, emanating from the Moon and creating a subreality that we decode the senses, as well as manipulating the genetics of humanity, has led to humanity beginning to perceive its distorted image, called the "lunar matrix," instead of real reality.

We are all constantly influenced by these frequencies, and we perceive this false "collective reality" that limits our abilities and separates us from the surrounding universe for information. This "lunar matrix" forces us to live in a kind of virtual reality, just as many computer players do in virtual reality. All of this is part of a well-thought-out plan for controlling the planets. Due to these frequencies, our five senses force us to decode false reality. Icke argues that we are all connected to this influence as a collective mind, and therefore we are controlled as a "herd" that we once were not.

This "lunar matrix" deprives us of the ability to receive the vast amount of information from space that humanity once had at its disposal. As a result, we live in a bubble of virtual reality. This lunar matrix works everywhere! This is the way that the whole virtual world is stretched over our eyes to blind us and imprison our minds. This matrix surrounded us with its vibrational barrier, through which it is possible to break through only by reaching a higher consciousness, ie by switching to vibrations that are outside the range of action of this lunar matrix, which is a relatively narrow frequency band.


Our society is precisely exposed to a pyramid of power imposed on humanity and false ideals to keep us in this narrow band of frequencies of fear, hatred, greed, lust, importance, anger, despair, etc. prison ”, the spectrum of his perception widens significantly and his consciousness awakens and reveals a true picture of reality. It is therefore the Moon that fundamentally affects human perception, behavior and health. It is a "lunar matrix" that suppresses the perception of the "third eye" when, before its influence, people perceived vast areas of reality, many times exceeding our current abilities. Our reptile (reticular) brain, which we inherited from the manipulation of our genetic code by reptile race (reptiles), also plays an important role in maintaining our perception within the "lunar matrix". It is he who forces us to take impulsive actions, which we often have to regret. It is not for nothing that such moments are said to have "darkened the mind" of people.

It is no coincidence that the magicians of ancient Mexico believed that man was once a perfect being, a source of amazing knowledge and high knowledge, but over time he lost all his amazing abilities and turned into the current weak form of these perfect beings. This process of degrading humanity's miraculous abilities continues to this day. After all, the task of hybrid reptile dynasties is precisely to make humanity's behavior completely dependent on the reptile brain. Only the transition to higher awareness allows us to take control of our perception.

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