Migration from Africa on 100 000 years ago!

02. 11. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

As Graham Hancock says, things get older. How was it with migration from Africa? Thanks to the dating of some things, scientists have found out that migration could have taken place much earlier (approximately 100 000 years earlier) than we originally thought ... This information was brought by a new study published by an international team led by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Human History in Germany.

Stone tools discovered on the Arabian peninsula suggest that people have settled here before 500 000 flights. Migration by scientists was less demanding than originally thought. Previously, scientists believed that people migrated due to the need to adapt to current conditions. It has now been found that the reason for migration was simple - the need to expand and occupy new territories.

Thanks to the amount of grass and stands, migration was significantly easier at that time. It is assumed that at that time Homo Sapiens began to differ from its more primitive ancestor. Before, however, no conclusive evidence was available due to rough and barren soil.

But revelations help old lakes in northern Saudi Arabia. Thanks to the lakes, experts have found stone tools and traces of fossil animal remains at a place called Ti al Ghadah.

Ti al Ghadah

Added Author Matthew Stewart of the University of New South Wales, Australia, says:

"Ti al Ghadah is one of the most important paleontological sites in the Arabian Peninsula and currently represents the only dated collection of medium Pleistocene fossil animals in this part of the world."

Meanwhile, the experts got under the pond bones of a herbivore - probably from the ancient Oryx oryx. Bones are dated 500 000 to 300 000 flights. Besides bones, scientists have also obtained stone tools, suggesting that people occupied that part of the Arabian peninsula earlier than previously assumed. However, he does not know exactly which kind of man made these tools.

However, it is assumed that it is the species that existed according to the dating of the instruments before Homo Sapiens.

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