Aliens want peace, but trump with trumps

10. 08. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

As he said on his server iDnes, Vice President of the United States Mike Pence on Thursday, 9.8.2018 announced that the US plans to create a new organizational structure for space troops. Pence has justified this by the need to secure the superiority in the universe (what if aliens do not want peace, right?), Not later than 2020.

IDnes adds that the creation of space forces is a necessary necessity to ensure US dominance in the universe over China and Russia. The American president has already called for the creation of space forces Donald Trump in May 2018. Ambassador Jim Mattis, who was particularly afraid of high costs, has expressed his resolve to make an ambitious plan, but in the end he supported the idea. As a matter of principle, Congress's approval is in principle avoided. Pence urged Congressmen to release billions of dollars (8 billion crowns) in the next five years,.

Official Media vs. reality

But what is the fact? Ten years ago, the view of powers such as China, Russia and even the US was the same - weapons, at least officially, do not belong to the universe. But all three countries are hard-core. It seems that the military-industrial complex is looking for new outlets for the use of technologies developed since the second half of the last century.

Philip J. Course in his autobiographical book The day after Roswell (1997) on the topic states:

“While scientists argued from the 50s to 70s how much such a weapon would cost and whether it would disrupt the otherwise fairly stable conditions in the world, others argued that one day there might be a real threat in the form of extraterrestrial enemies. They might be able to launch nuclear missiles not only on the United States! But none of the scientists publicly dared to say that we could resist flying saucers in the future.

So it remained until 1980 when Ronald Reagan was elected. The beam of particle beam gained a new impetus for life as a passionately dismantled and ultimately successful strategy, Strategic Defense Initiatives or Star Wars. Despite the disagreements of some politicians who thought that the thing was too much money, President Reagan persevered. Strategy itself Star Wars, limited deployment and testing of some components were sufficient to do that The United States got on the war trail with the EBE and showed the Soviets that we finally got a real anti-nuclear weapon.

The whole story of the Strategic Defense Initiative and the way it forced the aliens to change their strategies for this planet is a story that has never been told. According to this story, mankind has won its first battle with a more technologically advanced civilization. It must have been shocked that humanity can effectively defend itself. Well, doesn't that sound like a grand and fantastic story? ”

Ronald Reagan and his statement

At the turn of 70. and 80. said then the acting president Ronald Reagan at the UN:

"How would our positions change if we all had to face one common enemy out of space ...?"

It was in connection with the fact that in 1978 it was Ronald Reagan is fully informed about the presence of aliens on the ground. As Corso writes, it has led, among other things, to secret talks between the US and the USSR:

“It took place in the 80s meeting between President Reagan and the leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, which addressed the issue of co-operation. Although no one officially confessed to the threat of extraterrestrials, both sides acknowledged that the United States and the Soviet Union should postpone their differences, stand side by side and share a space defense policy around the Earth, which would benefit the two superpowers. President Reagan, therefore, has begun to push strongly on the rapid development and deployment of space defense to protect the planet. It was named the Strategic Defense Initiative, and journalists were ridiculously labeled "Star Wars." The Strategic Defense Initiative was described by President Reagan in 1985 as "a defensive shield that will not hurt people, but will shoot down nuclear weapons before they can harm people."

Star Wars Project

The reality was, however, that the weapon systems of the project Star Wars not aimed at land targets, but in space. The whole affair was driven by great fear, for aliens have already been from 50. years have intervened both over the Russian and American military bases, when they repeatedly decommissioned the entire nuclear arsenal. However, this was generally perceived by army structures as an attack on their position, which must be defended.

Through the Star Wars project, the team around General Trudeau (senior Philip J. Corsa) has been working since 60. flight. For his realization, Jimmy Carter's (predecessor R. Reagan) did not have sufficient understanding. J. Carter was one of the few American presidents who had the opportunity to experience Close meetings.

Steven Greer - Unacknowledged

Steven Greer in your book Unacknowledged (Czech Aliens) made it clear that the whole issue of weapons in space was one big scam, and that Ronald Reagan was deliberately misled, so that considerable funds are spent on a project that has caused more problems than benefits.

Aliens already in 50. years ago, the representatives of the Powers called on them to cease using nuclear weapons because their laundering disturbs time-space not only on the material level, but also on other dimensions that we do not have the cognizance and function of. We were also listed in 60. years from the Moon with the fact that we do not have to do what we do in the universe as long as we are in arms! Steven Greer's witnesses further point out that any attempt to militarize the universe ended in most of the times a fiasco because ETs all ground arsenal weapons in Earth's orbit neutralized, dematerialized or downgraded. It also includes an attempt to demostrate a nuclear weapon on the Moon's surface to show the US arms to the Soviet Union. The rocket was destroyed before leaving the stratosphere.

Witnesses in the ranks of aviation airspeed or secret services confirm that, despite the views of many commanders in command posts, ET's efforts are primarily based on an effort to maintain peace in the universe. It was always true that the one who shot the first, we were - people!

What are the themes?

In the spirit of these experiences that go deep into the past 20. century, Trump's attempt to militarize the universe is a paradox. The question is, what are the real motives of such an action? Whether in the background of this is a military-industrial complex that is trying to expand its scope of covert projects USAP to go to the public sector? This would be another outlet for already developed technologies. Or, whether it's part of the untenable detection process. Well, then discovering technologies that will be claimed to be new, even if they are vainly used by 60. flight. Whatever it is, it will inevitably lead to a few things:

  1. The public will be mentally programmed to accept weapons in space.
  2. The public will be argued that if the threat of space has happened, we are already ready.
  3. It will increase the propaganda that aliens are a threat.

My opinion

I believe (and I agree with other researchers) that civilizations that can travel across the universe have weapon defense systems in front of which nuclear weapons look like a toy. This is the lesson that to measure forces in the style of fearless American fighters is a bare fiction. If somebody has been seeking our lives on a physical level, our civilization has long ago existed. And if someone is seeking our soul, then just because he has lost himself - that he himself has lost faith and love in himself. Let us be a good example of this, rather than falling deeper with the weapons in hand, for any violence only gives the basis for another. It is a very difficult karmic circle / debt.

Let's just add that even the Star Wars protagonists themselves reluctantly admitted that they had even shot down their plates. Which is easy to translate, as - we were successful at the cost of great losses.

It is up to each of us how quickly we can change our ideas of life in this common space we call the Universe. There is no me-they. There is only one World that we share together.

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