My sacred personal space

17. 03. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The topic of personal space and the awareness of healthy boundaries, or the awareness of the right to say no and its energetic overlap, knocks on my door inside. This topic is again closely related to the topic of value. It is through false ideas of our own incompetence or guilt that we are often held in prison by destructive and exhausting interactions with others. And in the final it is only through self-knowledge as an expression of the essence of Life that dissolves all these thought forms.

We are all connected to the essence, which is primarily "good", vibrates with all possibilities and is completely unlimited in its expression. The question for a person is, "How is it possible that I am not experiencing myself in this way?" Here again we come to the subject of mental veils - separating ideas that obscure the truth about us.

The mental body associated with the chakra of the solar plexus is such a protective cover of the emotional and then the physical body. A healthy mental body is cleansed of destructive notions of guilt, evil, and fear, and in such a state, power flows through it to the material expression of the being. Such a mental body becomes a reflection of the divine essence. All negative beliefs are like cracks or dark tufts in it, creating emotional weight and often physical symptoms. These structures are to be decoded and dissolved in the way of freedom and truth, which is the focus of most therapeutic approaches.

And it is the ability to maintain and express in interactions with others your healthy beliefs that creates a sacred space around us. And I'm writing about it today…

How is it possible that this is so difficult for someone? In many cases, it is a strategy of "merging with the other", which is in fact based on the fear of confrontation or other unpleasant experience. One has simply learned to suppress the consciousness of one's truth in order to "survive." It's a cunning strategy and can easily escape attention. What is perceived to be true suddenly turns into something else that suddenly also seems true and agrees with the opinion of another person (or group) who appears to be potentially dangerous.

When a person gets out of a "dangerous" situation, he perceives himself again and sometimes cannot understand how it could have happened. He often feels used and humiliated. Due to the development of society, these tendencies are very widespread among women, and they both suffer from such cover-ups in a relationship. The basal fear that drives this structure (as well as any other) can be felt, realized the false ideas associated with it, and released from the grip.

And now more shamanically, because here it's getting even more interesting. Most people tend to think about setting boundaries in the reality of interpersonal relationships, but I have a lot of experience from my therapeutic practice that clearly shows that the inability to say "no" in ordinary reality also indicates increased auric field permeability to astral reality and often there. causes unpleasant problems especially if a person is more receptive. For such a person, unseen forces are very sensitive and he cannot work with them. It can then lead to states of madness.

On the way to healing this topic, it is very important to descend deep into the abdomen energetically (attention), where we find a healthy ability to reserve and "stand up for our truth", which we often need to maintain a healthy direction in the whirlwind of opposing energy currents. It is good to connect with the often accumulated anger during all these years of repression and to absorb its energy. It is necessary to meet the fear of what the delimitation could bring and to step in. Gradually comes the understanding that "I am a being who has the right to his safe space." It is a show of self-love and respect for Life.

There is no force in the universe that could have so much power over anyone. There is always a need for permission. It happens out of fear and conviction of one's own guilt. People trade with themselves because they are afraid and do not know that in the vast majority of cases there is nothing. They lose a lot because their lives are filled with something that does not capture the truth of their hearts. It is an attitude from the position of a victim that is a false idea and will bring nothing but frustration.

You need to realize this. No one is greater than you unless you stand between yourself and God. Even the worst curses and spells, which often frighten souls who have experience with magic, are a thing of the past, when one really knows the root of fear and goes through it into the knowledge of one's essence. The unlimited reality of Life through us is a work of immense beauty. It's just a matter of seeing where we stand in the way of the work ourselves.

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