EmDrive: On the Moon in four hours!

27 24. 08. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

On the Moon in four hours! On Mars in two months and then the solar system ... human technology, or the idea of ​​British innovator Roger Shawyer!

Britain's innovator's mocking technology can change the way we travel by space!

National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA); specifically, Johnson Space Center experts in Houston, Texas, took on the theoretical concept of a British aviation engineer. Almost fifteen years after the skeptical public has laughed at him, they have acknowledged that its electromagnetic drive, called EM Drive, is probably working!

"The results of vacuum tests suggest that EM Drive, a unique electric propulsion device, produces a force unmatched by any known electromagnetic phenomenon, potentially demonstrating interactions with quantum vacuum virtual particles," the NASA team wrote in a study published at a Cleveland conference.

The new engine should drive the spacecraft forward without needing nozzles. Shawyer has come up with an idea that seems to break out of Newton's understanding of physics, specifically his law of momentum.

The EM Drive principle is a closed resonant microwave cavity, where the thrust is generated by the difference in radiation pressure caused by the narrowing of the resonant cavity. The concept of propulsion was tested by Professor Tajmar inside the vacuum chamber using a copper solderless field with the ability to adjust the resonant frequency to the frequency of the microwave generator (magnetron).


If a similar propulsion principle could be put into practice, for example, the nine-year-long spacecraft's journey to Pluto would be shortened to only eighteen months, seventy days would be enough to travel to Mars, and only four hours would take flight to the moon. However, this revolutionary drive has a number of obstinate opponents to deny the physical principles. "EM Drive is utterly stupid ... I will devote my time to thinking about things that do not deny the law of momentum," Caltech Sean Caroll, Calif.


So let's sum it up - we've had a fascinating drive for probes, rockets, space shuttles for years, which skeptical scientists make fun of, which is galactic embarrassment, so let's get even closer to the heart of "who are the so-called scientists?"

Beautifully true wisdom says that "everything is different", our ancestors from Kemet told us. "Defend against all that is foreign to you, for only then will you find your truth." He Seth or Sith in today's Satan terminology is ubiquitous, what do you say ?!

J. Nazareth, G. Bruno, G. Galilei, M. Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci, and many others in their genes have been right about the universe, and ourselves and the dark Inquisition on the other, which continues to this day.

Here, in essence, there is no drive, technology, etc., but about identifying those who prevent the people of this planet from joining the cosmic community.

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