Nairam Insider: A New Chronology of Ages (5.): From birth to death

10. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Holy Trinity or also triad Spirit, Soul a Personality. The human being is 30% physical body (personality) and 70% energy. It is one physical body and four etheric bodies. When we look at Russian babushka, the smallest piece is made of full material (physical body) and the other four are like its packs (ethereal bodies). Is that our Eastern friends want to tell us something? Let's look at this triad at least briefly, as this topic is very extensive.

  • Spirit - Energy concept, higher principle with a certain frequency higher than 3D. For spirit development there is a need for a reincarnation process and the gathering of experience at a particular place in the cosmos. The spirit is immortal and may be outside of our galaxy.
  • Soul - is an energy bridge between personality and spirit. A thread.
  • Personality - is the opposite of the spirit. This is the transition time in the physical body. Components of mental, emotional and physical.

Around the orbit of the Earth, 500 to 600 is moving into millions of human souls, prepared for incarnation. For 400 for a thousand years, the population has been maintained at a reasonable number for 2,5 Earth by billions of people. In less than the last 100 years the number has increased by 5 billion (the current state is 7,5 billion). For Earth, this number is destructive. It is because they are approaching Event, which energically and vibrically moves all creatures and planets forward by quantum leaps (so-called transition to the fourth dimension). A lot of souls are inhuman. The rule applies: What is born must be revived. The birth of life is counted on the first stroke of the heart (until then the life of the mother's body indicates) and the last stroke of the heart will disconnect the fiber from the physical body.

Thus, animal souls must often be incarnated in a human body that is not prepared for human life. Such people live from day to day, act as cattle, like animals, think simply, behave instinctively, are rough, need to meet their needs first, feel misunderstood, and frightened, alcoholics and drug addicts - looking for this leak. Aggressiveness grows. In one family there may be different souls (human, animal, inhuman and extraterrestrial).

In the Hollywood movie Matrix people were cultivated by machines as a source of (electrical) energy.
Human species is not at the top of the food chain. Human entities feed on human energy. Those negative need negative energy - violence, fear, envy, depression, aggression, negation, stupidity, anger, anger... therefore, there is also an increase in the number of people with an animal soul. They are easy to manipulate and control, they have negative emotions. Negative energy is just lost and does not dissipate, it is consumed. On the contrary, positive energies (love, laughter, positive thinking) feed on positive entities. Especially in the evening (they have a specific scent that can be recorded).

  • Sky - an environment - pure, original - a pattern of everything (some basic pure "factory" setting) without deposits and incarnations.
  • Purgatory - removal of gross body after death
    • natural death: cleansing takes place painlessly
    • violent death (suicide): the purification is very painful
  • Hell - Current physical life on Earth

If someone has harmed, done evil, was hypocritical, hateful, his choice would probably be for his soul natural death and what's more, as part of the incarnation, he may find himself in places where hell (as we know it on Earth from stories and fairy tales) is just a kind of kindergarten or a flowering meadow. So some have something to do enjoy.

Defragmentation effect: an analogy with defragmentation of data on a computer's computer, the purpose of which is to organize data in a logical sequence to make it easier to process. In the spiritual sphere, the process of spiritual growth is accelerating.
Another concept of this topic is Reincarnation cell - it is the place of birth (it should be the place of departure). This is the place where man is energetically associated with the Earth at birth. That is, the place where he was physically born. If this place is visited every four years for 12 hours, it will have it for him defragmentation effect. From the place of birth (mostly unfortunately hospitals) counts square 22 km. That's why your birthplace is your place of birth energy important.

When, where and to whom will one be born, what will happen to him, and when and where he leaves it in advance? The plan should be seen as a sort of suggestion that can be consciously corrected.

A new chronology of ages

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