We are not alone in the universe (4.): Extraterrestrial ship over Tajgou

18 08. 02. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Even as I started to read and deal with the topics I have been writing about lately, I came across one of the first mysteries of the Star Wars crash on our Earth. This exact (yes, exact!) Case is definitely known to readers by its flagrant violation of scientific evidence: UFO and ET and does not exist, we have seen a meteorite above Podkamenná tunguzská ... Despite the fact that many of you already read or heard of this case, to prove my words, my claims. I will take the strength of my arguments into the preserve of the skeptics who, by a scruffy grimace, reject all the facts and insist on their profaned version from far away from Siberia.

Scientific research from the former USSR proves that in the year before 109 flights (30.6.1908) an alien cruise ship exploded over Tajga. I myself have seen a television show on this ancient incident. Yes, for years, it was possible to release Soviet TV at 80. years of the last century. Many politicians and scientists are afraid of panic among the population that could break out when they admit the bare reality - we are not alone in the universe, and they are undisputed evidence. So, let's take the facts to decrypt the fragments of the events of the last century and to assemble an impressive picture of unholy Siberia.

30.6.1908 in 7: 17 local time heard Evening and other nomadic ethnicity a massive explosion that killed tens of thousands of forest animals and hundreds, maybe thousands of tantalizing nomads. For example, if the UFO exploded over Belgium, it would be totally deleted from the map for the rest. And millions of dead people. Such a breeze had this blast! What experts found, such as Jevgeni Krinov, Alexei Zolotov, David Hughes, VE Mechedov, BV Kurcatov and others. Within a few seconds, a flying object flew from the southeast to the northwest. Even the sun had faded over its extreme radiance. This extraterrestrial machine was cylindrical in shape and, shortly before impact, shifted sharply the direction of the flight (this maneuver makes a meteorite ?!). The glowing particles of the mass were ejected to a height of twenty miles. The 2x seismic wave circled the entire Earth; In addition, the Irkutsk measuring station reported a fault in the Earth's magnetic field. In Moscow and London, it was possible to shoot at night without light, or to read newspapers in the street. Two witnesses south of the site at the Avarkid River said that their hut had flown in the air and shattered the ground. The mighty airspring drew the roots of trees and took them away. The burning trees then fell to the ground again. What kind of wood burned? Far out to the north was a cloud of spongy shape.

Let's summarize: The object flies horizontally, changes the direction of the flight, looks like a bulb, the front is higher than the back - this is a meteorite? Yes, the little ones burn in the atmosphere, the big ones will land on the ground and the crater will engrave. But the crater is not there.

The first to reach the scene of the disaster came after an incredibly strenuous journey with Leonid Kulik. Stunning men ... The scientist could not understand that 60km before the blast had some trees broken as matches. Others did not have crowns. Closer to the epicenter there was a zone without trees. The center of this area, on the other hand, stands in the air, tree trunks like charred telegraph poles (compare Tunguzsky pictures with Hiroshima and Nagasaki). Exactly as in 1945 ... The pressure wave is spreading circularly after the explosion, the pressure wave perpendicular to the top of the epicenter. The result is obvious - the trunks remain standing, and the branches are detached with incredible power. Why? They have a larger area than the trunk. The trees standing away from the epicenter are either reversed or broken. My claim is also highlighted by the sensational finding found by two fishermen on the banks of the Vaska river. Instead of the find, it lies on the extension of the Tunguzsky stellar flight line. The fishermen have a metallic fragment that sparks after impact on the stone. Scientists parted a strange fraction to three parts after 1500g. Independent in different research institutions, individual segments were analyzed. And the resume that at that time stunned Russian scientists? The metal body was made up of an unusual alloy - 10% lanthanum, 8% neodymium, 0,4% of pure iron and 16,4% of other "precious terrestrial metals!"

This curiosity of the researcher was motivated to soil analysis in the area of ​​the Podkamenné Tunguzsky. And another interesting resume - in this area the proportion of precious metals 400 - 600x is higher than usual. The explanation that is offered is logical. The alien cruise, containing a high proportion of noble metals, was completely destroyed. Soil was enriched with the above-mentioned elements. By the way - current earth technologies are not yet able to produce this alloy. Also, the 10 000 Atmosphere Pressure (1000 MPa) could not be reached at the time of production ...

1986 declared Valery Fomenko, a member of the Exclamation Commission: "After analyzing the relic we came to the conclusion that it is an annular cylindrical element of the 1,2 average. Magnetic field silos are different in this fragment in 15 in different variants! "

Is this a meteor or a comet? Do not bother us with the nose, my dear gentlemen. Thomas Mehner also said: "It is undoubtedly curious that uninformed scholars have been discussing the origin of this object until now that there is a whole range of accurate and partly independent knowledge that suggests that the Xuncum Tunguz Building was of artificial origin. I think that this year, over the Tunguz River, it crashed a flying object with atomic drive, driven by intelligent beings. Whatever sounds incredible, the facts speak for the benefit of this version. This mystery has ceased to be a real mystery. "

Let's look at the other argument of the skeptics - it was said to be a comet. Why was not a comet registered by an observer or observatory during a flight to our Earth? Let's say no one noticed her (it's unlikely). And how did the comet penetrate into the atmosphere of our comet? According to the calculations of academician VG Fesenkoek, the particles of the tail of an unknown comet had stuck at a height of about 200 km. Why can light be observed only in a narrow section of the sky? Even small comets have a much bigger than the globe - so the whole earth's atmosphere would be shining. Besides, the Earth was already passing through hairy paints, but no light effects comparable to the Tunguz phenomenon have ever been observed. And what about the radiation that was seen inside the cone of the earth's shadow? It could not be the sunlight reflected by the particles of a comet's tail ...

AV Zolotov and Associate Professor at Moscow Airways College FJ Zigel found out that the trajectory of this building was not ballistic. The foreign body changed the direction of the flight twice - turning Kezma to the left, the village of Preobraženka turned back to the west. The natural body - the hairy, the meteorite - of course can not do such absurd movements.

What to say about naval chronometer and quartz watches. The epicenter is delayed by 2 seconds after 24 hours, while earlier day deviation + - 0,26 seconds. It is significant that on the second day after leaving the epicenter, the chronometer and the clock have completely recovered. So it seems that this deviation is not accidental. Similar results had trials at UFO landing sites ...

Finally, the analysis of the United Institute of Nuclear Research in Dublin, a highly prized scientific research laboratory for nuclear problems:

1. In the airspace of the Siberian Taiga, the 1908 exploded in a manner known for explosions of atomic and nuclear bombs.
2. The strength of this explosion corresponds to a large amount of TNT - from 2 to 23 tons. Similar energy release is only possible with nuclear fusion or antimatter explosion of antimatter.
3. Natural explanations such as meteorite or comet impacts can be ruled out.
4. Let it look fantastic, we are returning to the belief that the Tunguz catastrophe has caused a space ship crash.
5. As a propellant of a spacecraft, antihistamine is considered

I think I have given to the honorable readers some rather difficult to rebut evidence that 1908 has made the event truly impressive in the Tunguzsky area. Only when they seal their tears and pound wax into their ears can skeptics (from Sisyphus, for example) say that it was a meteorite or a comet!

We are not alone in space

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