Baigong Pipes - Natural phenomenon or ancient artifact

19. 07. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

An ancient waterworks, lakeside drying equipment, or even a space launch space for alien spaceships - everyone can choose from their own tastes. And for the enterprising inhabitants of the surrounding villages, mysterious Baigong pipes are attractions that make it easy for tourists to make good money.

The story of the mysterious pipeline of Mount Baigong is one of the unsolved mysteries of the last decade. An incredible discovery made by a group of enthusiasts in China is circulating in the media, but no serious scientific research has been launched to date. Thanks to this, versions about the origin of a strange object are created, like mushrooms after rain, and they compete with each other in incredibility.

The Secret of Three Caves

The general public first learned about the Baigong pipeline relatively recently, in June 2002. At that time, a report appeared in a Chinese newspaper about a finding in Qinghai Province that allegedly undermined human history.

As it became clear later, the discovery came a little earlier, but no one paid attention. A group of American scientists around Mount Baigong searched for the remains of dinosaurs and suddenly came across several caves where there was a mysterious object that fascinated them.

It was two pipes, they looked like they were made of rusted iron, and both were about 40 centimeters in diameter. At the same time, one led to a cave from the top of the mountain and the other went through the bottom and continued down. It all gave the impression that it was an ancient system or mechanism. Of the three caves discovered on Baigong, two were buried, so we still do not know what is hidden in them.

The third, largest cave, is also not very spacious in itself, it is 2 meters wide and 6 to a depth of 12. .2 centimeters. They are intertwined in a complex system, which testifies to the high level of technology of its creators.

About 80 meters from Baigong Mountain is Lake Toson. On its bank, closest to the mountain, a number of pipes, similar to those in the cave, were found. Their diameter ranges from a few centimeters to millimeters, the smallest is not thicker than a toothpick. The pipes are said to be located in the lake itself, both at the bottom and rising above the surface.

Concealed link?

Baigong Mountain is located in a relatively sparsely populated region. And this does not mean a little inhabited by Chinese criteria. The nearest town, Delingha with 100 inhabitants, is about 000 kilometers away, so it's no wonder that the strange pipeline remained hidden for a long time. And even after his discovery, he is still not paid attention. Not a single thorough scientific study of the mysterious phenomenon has been carried out, it is not even written in scientific journals, and the main source of information is the mass media, essentially taking over articles from each other. And that gives space to the authors of the wildest theories.

Some believe that the pipes are remnants of an ancient aqueduct. There were also rumors that a pyramid, 50-60 meters high, once stood on top of Baigong Mountain. On one side of it were three triangular entrances and several wells that ran to the bedrock. There was a complex mechanism in the pyramid into which water from Lake Toson was fed through piping systems. Assuming that it really was, who built such a mysterious pyramid and what was its purpose?

The version that it is a creation of the ancient Chinese is out of the question, the inhabitants of the Heavenly Empire invented and discovered a lot of things, and one of them is bureaucracy. The idea that such a massive structure would not be mentioned in any Old Chinese text is simply unthinkable. Documents would definitely be preserved about each larger building. In addition, the emperor, under whose rule the pyramid would be built, would certainly make sure that his work was not forgotten by his descendants.

Is it possible that the building could be kept secret? For example, did one of the ancient rulers make some experiments, or did someone try to achieve the immortality that the Chinese have dreamed of since ancient times? Or could it be a superweapon?

Even if that were the case, why only such pipelines and no other traces of instruments or laboratories have survived from such a huge project. In addition, the ancient Chinese could not produce iron pipes.

Proponents of perhaps the most fantastic theory have stated that the tubes are remnants of an alien spacecraft. But have they not yet reached a consensus on what the pipes were used for, for pumping water or for supplying air? There is no evidence, nor is the age of the objects determined yet.

Radioactive roots

In order to become familiar with the mystery of Baigong pipes, a detailed chemical analysis of the material from which they are made is necessary. One of the few who has taken over is Chinese scientist Liu Shaolin. However, he only communicated the results of his analysis to journalists and has not yet contacted his scientific colleagues. According to data obtained by Liu Shaolin, the tubes are composed mainly of oxides of iron, calcium and silicon. Interestingly, about 8% of the ingredients the Chinese could not identify.

Based on Liu Shaolin's analysis, the Baigong pipeline may be quite common, albeit original, calcite formations, most likely pseudomorphs. They are formed by the mineral gradually exchanging an organic form, such as a shell of snails.

This is how the petrification process takes place, thanks to which we know what many of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth looked like. In this case, it was clearly not a matter of replacing with the calcite of organisms, but of ordinary tree roots. Anyone who has ever lived in the mountains knows that old massive trees can go through such a process. The largest "trumpet" could probably be a petrified tree trunk.

These conclusions can be confirmed by data obtained after examining the atomic spectroscope in 2003. Chinese scientists have discovered there traces of organic matter and even protruding annual rings. However, this does not mean that the mystery will be solved.

In 2007, scientists from the Chinese Institute for Seismic Research announced that, according to their results, some tubes were highly radioactive. What this means is just another puzzle that may be solved in the future.

Pipes in America

Objects similar to Baigong pipes can be found elsewhere. However, they have long been explored and clearly identified as organic artifacts. One of them is the famous Navajo sandstone in the southern USA.

This rock, which every tourist coming to the USA would like to see, is literally "pierced" by pipes with a diameter from centimeters to half a meter. A quick glance shows that it is made of iron, the thickness of the walls is up to 2 centimeters.

In fact, they are the play of nature. Navazský sandstone has an unusually high iron content and iron carbonate distribution, and it has unusual shapes that resemble circles or pipes.

Cylindrical shapes, similar to the Baigong pipeline, can also be seen in the state of Louisiana, on the east bank of the Mississippi. Cylindrical formations, up to one meter long and 70 centimeters in diameter, are the work of replacing the roots of ancient trees with iron ore.

The pipeline from Baigongun is

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