Discover the secrets of your element

16. 11. 2020
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

In 2673 BC, the enlightened Emperor Huang-ti introduced the basic cycle of the zodiac, making the world's first lunar calendar in China. Originally he served primarily the rulers and peasants to be able to determine the beginning of field work, and later with the assistance of astrologers determined the order of daily life. And so it is today.

The greatest boom of traditional Chinese astrology was most deserved by the rulers of the Shang Dynasty in the 1600 years BC They invited astrologers to their court, day and night for decades, to observe the movements of the cosmic bodies and their impact on the human body and psyche. The results were then submitted to the rulers, who according to them determined the internal and foreign policy of the country. Over time, astrologers have moved from the royal court to the people. Chinese astrology flourished in the years 618-907 AD During the Tang Dynasty, even an encyclopedia dealing exclusively with fortune telling was written. Even today, young people are looking for confirmation of the ideal wedding date, the newlyweds then the date suitable for conception of the offspring, managers of large companies according to the horoscope take pens to sign important contracts.

Chinese calendar

The Chinese calendar is divided into 60-year cycles. Every year, one of the twelve animals ruled by the legend has arrived at a peaceful feast organized by the Buddha. After twelve years, each of the five elements begins to control each sign. Very important are the two-year cycles, where governments take turns yin and yang.

The ancient Chinese have always tried to uncover the secrets of the life-giving energy of qi. They believed it to be ubiquitous, yet invisible and inaudible. The two opposing yet inseparable poles of qi are yin and yang. They are in constant motion, colliding and complementing each other. Whether in the form of male and female, positive and negative, passive and active energy. Yin and Yang simply create life, and the Chinese described their interaction with five basic elements (phases of energy).

At the moment of your first cry in this world, you also acquire your personal element.

Jin: Buffalo, Hare, Snake, Goat, Rooster, Pig

Yang: Rat, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog

Rat - 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 - intelligent and funny
Buffalo - 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 - have a solid character
A tiger - 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 - he is reasonably bold and daring
Hare - 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 - are sensitive and intuitive
Dragon - 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 - very lively and selfish people
Had - 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 - somewhat resembles a dragon
Horse - 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 - has hidden potential
Sheep - 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 - no personality
Monkey - 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 - are agile, agile and bright
Rooster - 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 - Can't Accept Sincerity
Dog - 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 - a good worker and support team
Hog - 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 - wants to do everything right

Element yang wood

People in this element appear whenever you need to support and hide in their great arms. They are reliable companions who are able to solve problems thanks to their ability and concentration. Since the yang tree always grows towards the sun, they sometimes lack flexibility. Any deviation from the straight line is decisive, they are very sensitive to the mood of the surroundings. To be successful, they need first of all peace.

Element jin wood

Jin wood needs space. Its roots are growing fast and in all possible directions. Therefore, these individuals are adaptable beings who try to communicate with their surroundings. The complexity of the roots sometimes causes mood instability. These people are very gentle, sometimes hypersensitive and need support. Thanks to innate intelligence, they can get things into context. In the team, they are considered a gray eminence that pulls strings behind the scenes.

Zodiac sign: Tiger, Hare

How to recognize elements in nature

Yang wood
A strong and tall tree that is part of a large forest.

Yin wood
It is as fragile as the grass and the flowers that grow in it.

Element yang fire

They are social, spontaneous and cheerful. They tend to be likened to the sun, which rises every day into the sky. They too are consistent, reliable, and the word routine is not alien to them. At the same time, however, at times they give others an inaccessible impression and can be overly ambitious. It would not hurt them a bit of patience, compassion, and a sense of charity.

Element jin fire

Do you have them in your family? Then wrap your nerves in asbestos and put a fire extinguisher in the hall. For people to whom fate has attributed the element of yin fire, a spark is enough and the fire is on the roof. They are impulsive, quarrelsome, but when they cool down, they resemble a candle flame that goes out when you blow it lightly. And the turkey is suddenly a sensitive turtle who would sacrifice everything for the well-being of the family.

Sign: Snake, Horse

How to recognize elements in nature

Yang fire
It resembles the sun that warms the earth and brings nature to life.

Jin fire
It is a crackling fire in the fireplace and a flame that shows the way stray.

Element yang earth

These people are divided. While they find it difficult to express thoughts and emotions, they give their loved ones a sense of security and stability. Although they are talented especially in artistic activities, they often do not receive recognition until many years later. It takes them a while to sway, but no wonder, for they have a land in their destiny… She, too, takes the time to produce the best gifts.

Element yin earth

Few will take on the role of active helper as quickly and thoroughly as they do. Moreover, they have the ability to tighten everything to a successful end. If he puts you on the list of favorites, you have your prince for the rest of your life. As protectors they are unrivaled. Unfortunately, they have psychological problems here and there. When the princes get under stress, they quickly lose the white horse under their backs and the ground under their feet.

Sign: Dog, Dragon, Buffalo, Goat (Sheep)

How to recognize elements in nature

Yang country
It is an erected mountain, solid rock and devious tectonic plates.

Yin country
It is the fertile land from which all living things grow.

Element yang metal

They are indeed metal-hardened. The word 'success' has been written since childhood on the highest ranking of values. At the same time, they have gained enough confidence and confidence from fate, and so they usually achieve it. He is one of the premieres at school and at work. The surroundings often consider them selfish, in tense situations rely only on themselves. In society, however, these people are not leaders. To gain the natural authority and trust of friends they lack the kindness and at least a touch of empathy.

Element jin metal

They do not like being pushed and do not feel very well in occupations where they work with their hands. They much prefer to use the brain and are successful, especially when they assert their strengths, namely subtlety and sensitivity. They can also sell what they can. Others are convincing and inspiring. These people are always among the lions of the salons and at times, like the king of animals, can shout.

Sign: Monkey, Rooster

How to recognize elements in nature

Yang metal
It is as raw as the ore extracted from an inaccessible mine.

Yin metal
It resembles polished jewelry and a necklace glittering in the distance.

Element yang water

Chinese astrologers likened them to the sea. They are as open to new ideas, as direct as a wave rushing to shore, and as strong as a tsunami rising from the calm sea level without warning. They are the ideal leaders of giant projects because they are completing what they started. Sometimes, however, their own emotions overwhelm them and they are moody.

Element jin water

This person will not let others speak. He should always give the first feeling, his intuition disappoints only rarely, nor is he foreign to the art of diplomacy. The surroundings are hyperactive. He is always in motion and cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. Do not expect to spend a 14-day holiday by the sea with him. It won't last long in one place.

Sign: Rat, Pig

How to recognize elements in nature

Yang water
It has the characteristics of the ocean, lake and the flow.

Yin water
It is rain, cloud and fog, a drop that changes its shape.

Tip from Sueneé Universe

Michaela Hearing: My Moon - the path of self-knowledge

The Key to Self-Development - A unique interactive publication, containing a set of 32 task cards, a creative diary and a recording of high-vibration meditation music.

By working regularly with cards and a diary, you will learn to ritualize the time you devote to yourself and your development over the course of 32 days. By not only pulling out the card and thinking, but going into action - you complete the task, you will see immediate changes and shifts. Your wish will come true much faster, you will be more confident in yourself, you will be more creative and open. Before you start completing the tasks, answer the questions that are in the signpost.

You will make clear what you expect from yourself and the coming month. At the same time, you will clarify what your strengths and weaknesses are. Pull out the first card, read the assignment in the book and try to complete the task written on it. Then answer the questions related to each task. Continue in the same way for a whole month.
Fill in the signpost again at the end of the month. Celebrate how much work you've done, and go back to tasks that you failed, were challenging for you, or moved you the most.

High-vibration music will help you process fears and release mental blocks, doubts that you have about yourself. You can draw cards randomly and return to them at any time.

Michaela Hearing: My Moon - the path of self-knowledge

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