Prehistoric civilization from the Ocuca desert (2.

9 22. 03. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

In the last part, we got acquainted with the wonderful scenes of Dr. Javier Cabrera of Icy engraved in stones. The official researcher is characterized by the opinion of the Czech researcher Miroslav Stingl, who was satisfied with second-hand information and stated with "characteristic logic" that there are doubts about the authenticity of the stones. The weakness of this forgery camory is where poor campesinos would take highly expert geological biological and medical knowledge ?! Where did they come to the anatomical knowledge of dinosaurs? How could they know about the sunken continents? And we could think of such more ...

Owned Peruvian Doctor Cabrera will find even horses and llamas with five toes, giant sloths, there is shown even a mammal of the head and neck giraffes and torso of a camel (altikamellus), a large deer (megaceros), mammoth, carnivorous large rushed bird ( diatrymas), etc.

Further proof of our accuracy prehistoric puzzle 1920 publishes Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello, who found the Tiahuanaco culture ceramics, and found the above-mentioned five-finger lamas on it. This species extinct 40 millions of years ago. A few years later, this archaeologist even found fossils of five-finger lam! Whatever we want or do not want, the theory of school benches will melt as the May sun in the sun.

We know the sandal of the US and the fallen trilobite remains under it. Dating? Just 440 Million Years Past ... We know the footprint of a dinosaur and a man from Paluxy River - the 113 age of millions of years.
We know the skull of the Neanderthal from Zambia with a bullet hole - 40 000 years old. We know the microelements from copper, tungsten and molybdenum found to the east of the Ural, large 30 - 0,003 mm. Age? 300 thousand - 20 thousand years. Etc…

Scientists and researchers tell us that humans of similar beings appeared on Earth about 4 - 6 millions of years ago. Our own evidence, Homo Sapiens - Sapiens, has apparently only appeared on the scene before 150 000. This dissonance is right in the eye! But let's go back to the desolate desert Ocucai ...

Experts from prehistoric animals would enjoy - if they had the courage to examine these drawings. On the Icy stones we see Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Brontosaurus, Triceratopsis, Lambeosaurus. On yellowish stone about the size and weight of about 1 200kg see a double row of feet of protective bony plates on the back of the animal, we can also see three spines on the tail, which served as a weapon. On this relief, Stegosaura, we can see the life cycle of this extinct lizard: the larval form, then two paws, and at the end of the small 4 lizard, a paw looking like a salamander. But biologists or paleontologists claim that the dinosaurs were reproducing themselves as our reptiles: from the egg to the living young. However, this metamorphosis is typical of amphibians.

Here is another example of the strange scenes engraved in this stone library. On 250 stones! One can see the cycle primitive praryby Agnatha (predecessor of fish and sharks) to 48 stones and reproductive cycle we see a giant bat named Megaquiropter. The flying monster lived before 63 for millions of years. But according to the scenes, they did not reproduce themselves as mammals, but as birds.

It's nice to see a man watching a comet. It is shocking to see the extracted human heart connected to the pump. It is interesting to see the engraving on which one takes organs and gives it to the other. It is amazing to see a world map dating back millions of years ago. It is wondrous to see a man stabbing a pointed weapon at the second brain center of the rainforest. Javier Cabrera is for us on the other side of the world. Even more pity for us, however, is the fact that these and other similar scenes from all over the world are not interested in scientists from two titles before and after the name, awarded with fame and success. Closing your eyes to reality, to facts, to findings is a thing myopic. The more they confuse and say untruth, the less we value and listen to them.

Prehistoric civilizations from the Occasus desert

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