UFO landing in Voronezh, year 1989

1 19. 09. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Believe in the UFO? Occasionally some strange creatures or flying object over the house can see. How was it in Voronezh?

UFO shaped ball

Witnesses were several boys from 5th to 7th grades. One September evening, they watched a strange, ball-shaped object land in a park. Several strange creatures emerged from it. "One of them was tall in a silver suit and had three eyes," says Vasya Surin, a fifth-grader at the local school, and continues, "The other was a robot that the three-eyed one turned on with some buttons on his chest." His mother added that she didn't trust her son at first, but a few days after her son told her about the aliens, not only she but several neighbors saw an unusual object flying over the house and park, which glowed red.

Another UFO in a few days, isn't that weird? The first described case of observations in Voronezh and its surroundings is from 1967, another from 1972, followed by 1975, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1985. trying to get to Moscow, and the aliens are heading to Voronezh. " But back to our story.

Football and UFO meetings

On September 27, 1989, the students played football in the park, the competition had been going on for several hours, was coming to an end, and it was slowly getting dark. The children were about to go home, and suddenly the sky lit up and the exhausted boys saw a reddish glowing sphere about ten meters in diameter above the playground. The young footballers "froze" and watched. The ball hung over the park for about five minutes, then disappeared and reappeared. This spectacle was watched by more than 50 people from all over the park. A hatch opened in the strange object, and two creatures could be seen, as the witnesses said, one of them, about three meters away, closing the hatch again and the ball began to fall to the ground.

After landing, the entrance reopened and a third creature appeared, probably a robot. The other alien looked at the children and said something incomprehensible, throwing the unfortunate boy into utter confusion. Unexpectedly, one of the little footballers started screaming in fear, the aliens rolled their eyes menacingly and aimed it at the child, the person in question "squealed" on the spot, as soon as the others saw it, they also started screaming. The shouts struck visitors from another planet, stopped, clumsily trampled on the spot, and then, confused, headed back to their ship, which shot into the dark Voronezh sky, and disappeared.

As people recovered, they began to slowly disperse. But one of the students was the son of a local journalist, who wrote an article about it and it stirred up.

Voronezh phenomenon

The Soviet agency TASS was the first to report on the "Voronezh phenomenon", and its report was very quickly taken over by foreign media. Discovery TV even made the entire documentary, and Voronezh flooded the presence of many ufologists, scientists and journalists. The researchers found that there is an increased intensity of the magnetic field at the landing site of the UFO.

The city of Voronezh was very supportive of the event and set up a commission of ufologists, scientists, medics and even detectives. They all examined the location of the UFO very carefully. They took samples of soil and tree leaves within a radius of 20 meters. However, the results of the analysis did not lead the Commission to any unambiguous conclusion. And the official commission concluded that it had no evidence and called it "childish fabrication." TASS denied his original message and everything fell into oblivion.

However, for ufology the case did not end. There was increased radiation found there, and a piece of stone that did not come from Earth was discovered at the landing site.

So what is it all about?

The Soviets had no reason to spread UFOs, as did the Americans, all of which were suppressed on both sides, and somewhere "underneath" there were departments that dealt with this very seriously and intensively. During Yeltsin's reign, many documents appeared where the admirals of the naval fleets and top pilots spoke. It was definitely very interesting information.

Given that Voronezh is probably really visited very often, and we do not know why, similar visits are also in Karelia (where there are many anomalous zones that Hitler also researched, perhaps it is related to this…). We, as humans, with our logical thinking, may not be able to decipher it, perhaps it requires something more than the logic and cold reason to which we have been led since an early childhood.

We are definitely not alone in the universe!

Questions about why UFOs are very common on spaceports, airports and nuclear power plants remain unanswered for the time being. But as can be seen, they also have "focused" but also other areas.

the classification of the shapes of objects that were observed in Voronezh

the classification of the shapes of objects that were observed in Voronezh

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