Actual X X from secret services archives

08. 06. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The incident in Roswell is certainly the most famous case of the shooting down of aliens, which was to take place on July 08.07.1947, 22.03.1950. A published memorandum dated March 3, 60 from the FBI archives informs that three flying metallic objects of extraterrestrial origin (ETV) were found at the crash site. The report further mentions that 4 extraterrestrial humanoid creatures (ET) about 1952 cm tall dressed in a tight suit were discovered in one of the ETVs. ET had no ears, only holes instead of a nose, big eyes under black lenses, and a small mouth. They had only XNUMX fingers and toes. Only one of the ETs allegedly survived until XNUMX. The bodies of the others were frozen and sent to a military air base. US Peterson.

When Viking 1 (NASA) first sent photos of Cydonia and Faces to Mars, there were passionate debates about whether it was a real or optical illusion. A published report from the CIA archives states that in 1984 the CIA employed a team of capable people remote observation - internal insight vision. He was a member of the team Ingo Swann, which on May 09.05.1984, 3 was asked to look at the surface of Mars with his attention and verify the authenticity of the photographs. At the same time, he was asked to go back in time by one million years and examine the reasons that caused the devastation of Mars. His consciousness met more than XNUMX-meter humanoid creatures with elongated skulls. He learned that the inhabitants of Mars are dying out and are looking for a new refuge, among other things, probably on Earth.

According to a CIA report in 1991, an ETV was shot down over a Russian military missile training ground. The object fell to the ground. After the impact, a hole was probably seen in it at the scene. Three ETs resembling small grays came out of it. All the soldiers watched in amazement as the three creatures suddenly merged into one inside a sphere of light that suddenly exploded. The explosion caused all the soldiers in the field of view to explode literally they fossilized. Only the few who were not exposed could then be given personal testimony. On the ground, only the ETV was destroyed on the ground, which was subsequently confiscated by Russian secret services for further investigation.

(08.07.1947) FBI Circular 6751 with classification TOP SECRET reports on long-term observations ET / ETV. According to her, ETVs are controlled remotely or directly by ETs. ETs are interested in the possibility of settling on Earth. ETs are similar to humans, but they are much higher. They come from another parallel dimension, which is closely connected with ours. Their ETVs use defensive energy shields capable of destroying any of our military objects. They can become invisible to us at any time. Their world is close in nature to the functioning of the astral world.

Many respected people have claimed ET is a real phenomenon. Michal Gorbachev, former RU president: The ET phenomenon exists and needs to be taken seriously. Harry S. Truman, former US president: I can assure you that the ETVs are real and that they have not been built with any force on Earth. Gordon Cooper, 1. US astronaut: I believe that these ETVs and their crews visit our planet from other planets, and that they are more technologically advanced than we are on this planet.

These are just a few grains in the desert of history. There is still something to discover and research. Let's support the Revelation process together. Want to know more? Watch a recording of the lecture or come to the festival Love your life in Pilsen, which is July 7 to 9.7.2017, XNUMX. I will have more new information for you.


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