TV Sueneé: Ivana Königsmarková and Petra Sovová on the topic Respect for childbirth

05. 10. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It has been running in Prague for several years Festival on pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood on the occasion of the week Respect for childbirth. We used the opportunities and addressed two important personalities associated with this project.

Petra Sovová has been worth a number of years The Movement of Active Motherhood (HAM) and is the main organizer of the festival.

Ivana Königsmarková it is certainly rightly understood as star between midwives.

I myself was at childbirth when our Anička came to the world and not everything was according to our imaginations, even though we chose alternative maternity hospital. I was all the more interested in what was new and how the understanding of the general public on the topic of respected birth - the free will of a woman to choose when, where and under what conditions. And where did the mania of giving birth to a maternity hospital come from? Why do we still believe that men know better than women how to do it… and many other questions.

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