UFO: How to recognize agents not only of Czech civilian intelligence

20. 08. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Although we often hear in the news about UAP/UFO/ET incidents mainly to the west of us, this phenomenon concerns every country on this planet Earth, including us in the Czech Republic. We know from history (since the days of the Czechoslovakia) that there were a number of observations of previously unknown objects here. Let's certainly recall the incident over the Vranovská dam, or the eyewitness accounts of people who have observed luminous objects in the vicinity of our nuclear power plants more than once.

It is good to keep in mind that we, like the Czech Republic, are not really a party to the events and that we also have people in secret (agents of civil prosperity) who pay attention to the topic and try to co-create the media image of the mainstream. How to recognize such a double agent? What to watch out for? How can it look like in practice? What characteristics does a Czech agent have? and disseminator of (dis)information?

Secret Service Agent Profile

Exopolitika.cz: An agent's strength is its trustworthiness, which instinctively creates the feeling that its conclusions can be completely trusted. You have him as an expert in his field with great knowledge, and his explanations are then trusted and not doubted by the public. It's professionally called plausible deniability (plausible deniability). Literally, it is targeted and controlled disinformation (more precisely lie), which is not at all noticeable, which is the purpose of intelligence around the world. A professionally presented lie is easier to appear as the truth. This principle does not only apply to topics related to exopolitics (UAP/UFO/ET), but applies in general to any sphere of public interest.

The agent always appears very confident in order to convince of his knowledge and expertise, despite the fact that he presents targeted lies sometimes aptly wrapped in tiny bits of truth. These fragments are important so that the overall appearance on the outside looks credible. He is often a representative of a non-profit organization (in our case, a member of a ufological association), which he infiltrates or founds himself. This one institution then uses pro argumentation by exaggeration. E.g: "In our group, we have been dealing with the topic for decades, and I, including many of my other colleagues, agree that...".

Another common phenomenon when analyzing the behavior of an intelligence agent is that he tends to downplay and discredit cases that have long been solved or those for which there are many credible witnesses from the ranks of the military, police, or state administration; for which there are publicly available documents obtained thanks to informants or on the basis of Act on Free Access to Information (FOIA), etc. An example can be very well-known in the media the Roswell incident. He refers to such cases as implausible conspiracies, repeats his previous arguments and highlights previously popularized views. This scheme is typical for the so-called debuggers.

The agent operates in the media in such a way that he has an overview and his explanations are acceptable to the masses, but mainly to scientifically based individuals, for whom he becomes sympathetic, because he does not fall into any by rumor unfounded facts, or already mentioned conspiracies. It will gain a wider audience careful rhetoric, supported by apparently qualified argumentation. His good image the fact that he is among the first to be addressed by the mainstream in similar topics helps.

Another tactic of such an agent is the so-called a step forward, when he pretends for a moment that he is really an ardent enthusiast and offers the viewer some case that he marks as a typical example of the topic (in our case UFO). This strengthens its credibility (it gives the so-called bits of truth), presents himself as someone who has some partial results. Often, however, the given case is banal or goes back to deep history or is desecrated. He rarely comes up with something truly unique and new, unless it is absolutely unavoidable in the context of the situation. In other words, the wolf ate himself and the goat remained whole.

When confronted directly, the agent often does not even deny that he has cooperated with the state administration or intelligence services in the past. However, he always emphasizes that this collaboration is a long time ago and that his efforts are motivated by a pure desire for the truth with no claim to reward or personal gain.

US secret agents

In the context of exopolitics, an example of a double agent is most likely Luis Elizondo, who at the end of 2017 stirred up the media waters with a sensational revelation about the existence AATIP. According to latest findings the assumptions of Dr. Steven Greer that Luis Elizondo is an active agent and a professional liar (disinformer). Moreover, according to available documents, he was never an active member of the AATIP project, although he claimed to the media that he directed it.

Secret agents of the Czechoslovakia, later the Czech Republic

According to testimony of Simona Šmídová, former members Project Záre, this project was infiltrated by intelligence agencies practically from the beginning.

Czech project "Disclosure". Characteristics of a civilian intelligence agent in Czech conditions and sophisticated misinformation about UFOs

Source: Exopolitika.cz

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