The US Congress admits that UFOs may not be man-made

09. 09. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

New budget for US intelligence agencies orders Pentagon to focus its investigation around UFOs/UAP to those cases he cannot identify.

After years of observing strange lights in the sky, first-hand reports from Navy pilots about UFOs and government investigations it seems that US Congress stated in his press release: "We believe that not all UFOs/UAPs are man-made".

Immersed deep in the text of the report, which is an appendix to Act on authorization of intelligence services for fiscal year 2023, that is, the budget that governs the US secret services, he did Congress two surprising statements. The first is that the so-called cross-domain transmedia threats to the national security of the United States are growing exponentially. The second statement is that it aims to distinguish between UFOs that are of human origin (ARV), and those from real aliens (ETV). Specifically it says: “Temporary unassigned objects or those positively identified as man-made after analysis will be turned over to the appropriate authorities. However, they should not be classified as unidentified aerial and underwater phenomena,” states the document.

It is certainly a major (albeit minor) shift in mainstream politics again. This is apparently due to the increasing UFO/UAP/ET information that is beginning to be taken very seriously. Many politicians stopped short of claiming that unidentified objects (UFOs) were of extraterrestrial (ET) or extradimensional (ED) origin. Up until now, the public has been indirectly led to believe that if UFOs exist, then they are probably advanced – albeit man-made – vehicles.

Congress wants to consistently distinguish between ARVs and ETVs

Recall that the former US president Barack Obama refused to confirm the existence of extraterrestrials (ETB). However, he said people have been seeing a lot of strange things in the sky lately. Now, however, Congress appears to want to specifically distinguish between items that are "man-made" and those that are not.

The so-called transmedia threat is one that by definition Pentagon it can transition between environments (water, air, space) in ways we don't yet understand. IN 08.2202 The Pentagon announced that it is opening Anomaly resolution office in all domains (AARO[wiki]) to investigate these potential threats. The bill would reclassify Unidentified Aerial Phenomena ([wiki]UAP) as Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena (UAUP), thus: Unknown aerial and underwater phenomena. It is apparently a reaction to the Pentagon video from last year (2021) showing UFOs/UAUP flying smoothly below sea level.

Senator Marco Rubio, vice-chairman of the select committee Senate Oversight of Intelligence, who issued the report, has publicly stated that he wants UFOs to be seen as extraterrestrials and not as someone's alien weapons. The big question, of course, is why is Congress opening it up now? After all, legislators are privy to classified information, which is not available to the general public. "I don't think legislators would put such emphasis on clarifying terms unless there was a serious reason for it." said Marik von Rennenkampff, an Obama-era DoD official. “That means members Senate Intelligence Committee believe that some UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin,” continued von Rennenkampff. “After all, why would Congress create a new agency and charge it with investigating UFOs that aren't created by man, if such objects did not exist?'

Lawmakers have long pressured the Pentagon to release information about the strange lights in the sky to the public. In 2021 the Ministry of Defense (MoD) issued a report detailing the more than 100 sightings it investigated. Some of them cannot be explained by current scientific knowledge and therefore the MoD has asked for more time and money for further research. Congress granted the request. Now he is asking the Pentagon to focus only on those objects that are real ETV, no ARV.

A paradigm shift

It should be remembered that the mainstream media space is still pushing the idea of ​​a potential threat to American national security. Unfortunately, this is the rhetoric that has not changed despite the seemingly positive shift in paradigm. 5th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality wants to offer, therefore, an opposite point of view through personal stories of people who have had or continue to have a positive experience of meeting people (ETB) from space. The conference is intended for the general public, who can do so engage in live discussion.



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