Researchers reveal the secrets of gold origin

21. 02. 2018
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The question of the origin and origin of gold has fascinated mankind since ancient times. A group of scientists from around the world have now contributed their research to answer this question.

An international group of scientists has shed new light on the origin of gold. Gold has been speculated about for a long time, but no answer has yet been put forward to convince the scientific community. The results of the work of these scientists were recently published in the online journal Nature Communications. Their research shows that gold has reached the earth's surface from the deepest regions of our planet. Thus the internal movements of the earth helped to raise and concentrate this precious metal. Researchers have found evidence of this happening in Patagonia, Argentina. The first gold deposits on the South American continent were registered in this area. Researchers belong to various universities in Chile, Australia and France. Among them is José María González Jiménez - a researcher in the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology at the University of Granada.

Nitro Earth is divided into three main layers:

  • Kura
  • cloak
  • kernel

"The minerals we get that support our economy are in the earth's crust. And although we are experts in their use, we still know very little about their true origin. The search for gold motivated migration, expeditions and even war, but its origin is one of the main issues in the field of deposit exploration, "said the researcher.

The mantle is the layer that separates the core from the bark. The bark we live on has different thicknesses. It is about 17 km below the ocean and about 70 km below the continents. "This depth is unattainable for humanity. At present, we do not have the resources needed to reach the mantle. Until we have this option, we cannot obtain any further direct information about the tire, "says the expert.

However, material from the shell may come to us due to volcanic eruptions, because in the volcano eruption, small fragments of rocks from the shell (or xenoliths) can be transported to the surface. Xenolite (literally "foreign rock") is a fragment of foreign rock found in a layer that has a distinctly different composition.

These rare xenoliths have been studied as carefully as possible. Scientists have found tiny particles of gold in them, which correspond to the thickness of a human hair. They are convinced that their source is a deep cloak.

The focus of the research was on the Deseado massif in Patagonia, Argentina. This province has one of the largest gold deposits in the world and is still mined in the mines. Because the concentration of gold in the earth's crust at this point is very high, scientists have been able to find out why mineral deposits are limited to certain regions of the planet. Their hypothesis is that the mantle below this area is unique, so due to its history, it tends to form gold deposits on the surface.

"This history dates back 200 million years, when Africa and South America formed a single continent," says González Jiménez. The ascent of this mantle ridge created literally a real chemical factory, which enriched the earth's mantle with various metals. This should later create the conditions for the formation of gold deposits. "

"This time, the process was caused by the insertion of one tectonic plate under another (subduction), which allowed the circulation of metal-rich fluids through cracks. Therefore, the metals could accumulate and solidify near the surface, "the scientist added. The results of the scientific team shed new light on the formation of mineral deposits, the origin of which is usually attributed to the earth's crust. This new scientific knowledge could contribute to a more advanced exploration of mineral deposits that take into account not only surface or X-ray images of the crust, but also the depth of the mantle. However, it is certain that the Earth is not a huge producer of gold. The presence of gold on Earth goes back to the time when our planet was formed. As the Earth formed, it received various elements from space, such as nickel, iron, and probably gold.

Gold was first created by massive stars in a very short time: in their violent demise as a Supernova. As they collapse into a neutron star or a black hole, extreme conditions prevail in their outer layers, which are explosively repelled. Atoms here, in a short time, they hold a lot of neutrons, become unstable and decay again. The elements, so to speak, travel through the periodic table, because their proton and thus their serial number change. Nickel is copper, palladium is silver and probably platinum is gold.

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