Chemtrails: Ask yourself ...

3 20. 07. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Do not you see hundreds of lines a day in the sky, where 20 airplanes are scarcely flying daily?
Do not you see that these lines do not disappear, but they stretch into a solid metallic gray layer?

Can not you see the pinkish coronet around the Sun?

Do you not see that it's dark for three and a half days, like in 6 in the evening?

Do not you see that it rains out of the mist that does not wash with it, but it lasts for a few days?

Do you not see it raining when it's high pressure and it's always the opposite?

Do not you see that after several days of rain the fog dissolves and is 15 degrees warmer? Normally it cooled down after the rain and it took a few hours for it to warm again.

Do not you see thousands of videos on Youtube, where are obvious chemtrails, even in time lapse and specially crafted spraying aircraft?

Do you know that the Czech Republic has signed the Open Skies Treaty after joining NATO and does not you know that this means that CIA and NATO aircraft can fly over our territory without reporting?

Do not you see the difference between 9000m and chemtrails sprayers at 12-14000m?

Do you not see that even though it is clear, the sky is not azure blue, but aluminum?

Do not you see that cloudiness is formed from nothing in one place and is maintained there?

Do not you see satellite imagery full of chemtrails?

Do not you see that people are tired, unable to think, flowing constantly out of their nose, coughing and not knowing why?

Do you not see clouds in the sky that are not natural? They are like gel pockets from which they do not rain, even though they are full of water.


Do not you see maps of lightning activities and do you not know that in nature it is impossible for flashes of hundreds to thousands of miles in precise lines?

Do not know what HAARP and EISCAT are? Do not you know how the ELF waves can influence the weather?

Do not you see in a few minutes the sky gently scattered all over Europe, and it is not the orographic cloud?

Is not it strange that we are constantly tormented by floods, several times a year, and that a ton of water falls in one place in minutes? And elsewhere on the planet (where it suits someone), are people suffering from drought and fires?

Do you not know that Americans have a new laser capable of causing rain without sowing condensation cores?

Do you know that there are many official weather control programs in the US? Do not you think the army is far in the industry?

Are Climate Guns Not Ideal? The enemy is decimated and does not even know he is in the war.

Well, dear sir, you have a long way to go.


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