CSETI successfully recruited 2 alien ships thanks to CE5. Look!

26 16. 04. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

[last update]

27.01.2015 members of the CSETI group during the intensive work on CE5 consciousness led by Steven Greer successfully summoned two extraterrestrial ships that appeared above Vero Beach (Florida). Objects observed from 21: 10 to 21: 15.

First, the first ship appeared above the water like an orange glowing wheel. Subsequently, the group sent a beam to the ship using a green laser. The ship responded by pulsing an orange glow. Suddenly, the second object lit up to the left of the first - again in the form of an orange glowing sphere. The intensity of the light changes alternately.

Steven Greer repeatedly says, "Let's welcome them among us ...".

"Let's welcome the beings on board that have joined our meditation."

After the ships disappear from the spectrum visible to the human eye, they are still visible on a night-vision camera.

You can watch the whole event on a video that was published today by Steven Greer:

The gold objects that appeared during the CE5 event were observed using a professional night vision technician. During the whole event there were no planes, boats, boats, etc. In the area where the objects were no smoke or drifting (?) That could be confused with flares. Objects with the preview appeared in our dimension and stayed in place despite the impact.

Objects appeared quickly (the resulting video is slowed down). They did not see the day before.

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