Edgar Cayce: A Spiritual Way (11.): Every Crisis is an Opportunity for Growth

20. 03. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Dear readers, welcome to the next part of the series from Edgar Cayce's interpretations of 24 principles of happiness. Eleven is a magic number, connecting two ones, the power of manifestation and the use of power. And so the topic will not be left behind. Crisis - a concept we all know, but can we look at it from another angle?

Principle X.NUMX: "Every crisis is an opportunity for growth"

In 1901, Edgar Cayace fell ill, lost the ability to use his vocal cords, and spoke only with exertion or whisper. He was 23 at the time and fed himself and his family as an insurance agent. The disease therefore meant a serious crisis. He bypassed all the known doctors in his hometown, but none of them could make a diagnosis or suggest treatment. Eventually, a desperate Edgar turned to a hypnotist who had traveled the country with his show and performed in Hopkinsville. In the end, it turned out that this act was the first step on the way to sensitive interpretations in a hypnotically induced state, thanks to which he diagnosed his disease. When he obeyed the proposed treatment during his trance, he recovered quickly. His health crisis led him to an activity that later became fatal for him.

Edgar Cayace's whole life was happening crisis. In one of his interpretations, he spoke of reincarnation, which meant a crisis of confidence for him. Doubting the plausibility of his interpretations, he turned to the Bible. In 1931, Cayce lost his beloved hospital and organization, and at that time he was thinking about the meaning of life. Paradoxically, this period became the most fruitful for his sensitive interpretations in the field of spiritual growth and teaching. His life thus illustrates the truth he often mentioned in his interpretations: Crisis and exams are opportunities for internal change and growth. Virtually all spiritual teachings say the same. Ancient Chinese word crisis is a combination of two words danger a opportunity.

Dar krize

All religions see the crisis as the last step to ultimate victory. A person who became a Buddha faced a deep crisis before attaining enlightenment. As he sat under the Bodhi tree, he was visited by the great Mara - the god of desire. At first he tried to talk him out of his foolish pursuit of enlightenment and reminded him of his social responsibilities, then he tried to seduce him surrounded by sensual female spirits named Sensuality, Restlessness, and Greed. When that failed, Mara appeared before him in the form of the Lord of Death with an entire army of demonic forms equipped with bows and arrows. However, Gautama Sakyamuni withstood all these trials. Only then did he become a Buddha - ie enlightened.

The Christian Savior Jesus faced a similar encounter when he resorted to seclusion and for forty days had fasted. He had to overcome hunger, pride and desire for power. After this test, the preaching activities were fully devoted.

Tests test our faith, courage and compassion. Finally, we are subjected to the final test and after successful mastery, we are rewarded with a profound transformation. Thanks to that, we are endowed with new abilities and new wisdom that brings good to us as well as others. Then there is another cycle of growth. This is what Joseph Campbell called the cyclical pattern of crisis and insinuation. Evidence is all around us.

The story of a friend

I can think of the story of a friend who was at a class reunion and met there with ancient love. During the evening, they danced and remembered the school years. When the man returned very late and in good mood home, went to the shower. There was a message on his phone that aroused his wife. She did not want to, she glanced at the display where she wandered like, amazing evening, I still remember your embrace ... and so the innocent evening became a family crisis, when a father of three almost lost his roof over his head. In the end, the woman decided to trust her husband and throw everything behind her head, but to make matters worse for the man, she pushed through another baby she really wanted, and the man no longer thought about him. They both made a small compromise and today everyone is happy with their daughter, an angel who gives her family smiles and wonderful moments. It's a baby for reward.

How many times in the moments when we fall to our knees and ask us to be shown the way, everything we did not understand until then begins to make sense. Cayce was repeatedly asked for an explanation for seriously ill patients. Although their lives could not be saved even after the treatment was applied, the family members talked about the great changes that the patients underwent in the last days of life, as their interests and natures changed, as they became more compassionate and cordial. "Even the stones you see on your way can help your feet to climb up faster."

Methods of transformation

All crises are potential births. The nature of birth depends on the nature of man and the type of crisis. Anxiety and fear can stop this process. On the contrary, positive attitudes speed up the whole process. The following is a four-point plan to help us turn the crisis into a spiritual revival.

Accept your status

A Kansas farmer who had successfully spent seventy-five years of crisis, when asked by his young friend how he had handled it all, replied, "It's easy. When I have a problem, I imagine the worst that could happen to me - and I will accept it. ”Without realizing it, he lived by the first principle of correcting anything. Nothing can be changed if we do not accept it. Until then, the situation will remain unsolvable.

We find the same wisdom in an ancient fairy tale. The villagers lived in fear of a dragon that intended to eat each of them. The dragon on the opposite hill seemed incredibly large to the people, and they heard a terrible roar. One young man decided to face the dragon. The closer he got to him, the paradoxically smaller the dragon. When he finally got to this monster, he found that it was no bigger than an ordinary cat. He returned with the dragon to the village. Someone asked him his name. The dragon replied, "I'm known by many names, but my real name is - what could happen."

Take responsibility for your situation

Events happen without us being able to influence them. The flood will completely destroy your house. Can you take responsibility for such a situation? Not at first glance. However, if you deny any responsibility for what is happening to you, then you will consider yourself a victim of random situations. This kind of "victim consciousness" will not lead you in the right direction. The consciousness of reincarnation can serve us here. Although we may feel like an innocent victim, it is important to admit that something has brought us into this situation. Needless to say, "What have I done so terribly that I deserve such a fate?" It is better to ask, "How can I learn from this situation?"

Find the right attitude to the situation

"If it doesn't kill me, it will strengthen me." There is indescribable wisdom in this sentence. However, when we are exposed to a given situation, we need to take a very specific approach to it. Some crises are meant to teach us assertiveness, others to show us, and others teach us to show more kindness. Let's try to respond only to the present moment. When we are able to do this, we will not be victims of circumstances, but masters on our way forward.

Do not lose hope!

"Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best." Without hope, all three previous steps are useless. It is precisely the quality that will accompany us through dead ends and strengthen us during the crisis. Heroes are full of talent, they are almost indestructible, they do not feel confusion. In everyday life, however, it is different. Confusion and chaos are often the order of the day. Then hope is what gold is worth to us. We can see the whole course of human life as a series of crises, from birth to death. Some are predictable and well documented: puberty, middle age crisis, retirement difficulties. Others are sudden. Sometimes we can get the feeling that there is no escape from the situation. But just as the Israelites, who were attacked on the one hand by the Egyptian army and on the other by the sea, we can see hope: a journey to a new land.


Take a closer look at your life. It can be full of crises, some smaller ones that will pass away over time, others much more serious. Take a look at one of them and realize if you are using it enough to your advantage. Ask yourself these questions:

Have I accepted my situation?

  • Did I take responsibility for her?
  • What personal qualities do I need to fulfill to cope with this situation?
  • Do not lose hope?

Then try to correct your weaknesses. I send you love from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to further deep sharing.

your Edit Silent

    Edgar Cayce: The Way Towards Yourself

    More parts from the series