What is Exopolitics?

25. 03. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Exopolitika (from the ancient Greek ἔξω exo "outside" and politics is the name of the school of thought that presupposes existence extraterrestrial life on the ground. Proponents of this theory advocate forcing this fact into global politics. This is called exopolitical movement.

The intention of exopolitics

Basic theses of exopolitics:

  • Various alien communities have been visiting us since ancient times to the present. It happens through alien ships, through autonomous probes or the interaction between extraterrestrial technologies and human consciousness TAC/CAT.
  • There is much evidence and testimony to support this.
  • The public is not sufficiently informed about these facts.
  • The military and government officials in most countries around the world are deliberately withholding this information for fear that its disclosure would cause global panic and disrupt the current functioning of society.

The main area of ​​activity exopolitical movement is the collection, processing and disclosure of information about the presumed extraterrestrial presence. Exopolitical movement develops continuous activities to promote collective awareness and dissemination of phenomena ET. It calls on local governments to provide the necessary cooperation and to publish all archived observation information UFO both in the past and in the present. The goal is to change the global paradigm towards a society that recognizes the immediate extraterrestrial presence and acts responsibly not only in the interests of all mankind, but also with respect for the surrounding Universe.

Unlike traditional groups UFO the focus is not only on obtaining testimonies from trustworthy people in the field of state administration, aviation, astronautics, the military and politics, their investigation or investigation of the phenomenon itself ET, but also for public relations and lobbying using already available information. Exopolitics also deals with the people, political institutions, and processes that influence official and public opinion about the propagated extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

World Exopolitics

Exopolitical movement is represented in more than 20 national organizations and initiatives around the world. Together, they form a free network that brings together like-minded people engaged in a common interest activity on key points of the topic. There is no higher hierarchy or common organizational structure for individual organizations. Each national initiative is completely autonomous and independent. Therefore, the respective interpretation of exopolitical theses and orientations may differ from group to group.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, for example, a news server is actively researching exopolitical topics Suenee Universe, which regularly publishes news from the field of exopolitics, an alternative view of history and spirituality. It organizes once a year in the Czech Republic international conference. Editorial staff Suenee Universe translated a book in 2019 Dr. Steven GreerOUTPUT into the Czech language. The book was published with a circulation of 7500 in the Czech Republic and Slovakia bestseller.


The exopolitical movement is represented in Germany German Exopolitics Initiative. It is considered a civic movement and has no legal form. It was established on 1 June 2007 by a qualified freelance interpreter and journalist Robert Fleischer. Fleischer still heads the German organization as coordinator.

Key interests Exopolitics Germany are UFO and the policy and social implications of extraterrestrial presence. The movement also collaborates with traditional groups UFO in Germany, as MUFON-CES or DEGUFO. Unlike these UFO research associations, Exopolitics Germany also repeatedly deals with esoteric and frontier scientific topics, such as the so-called free energy, parapsychology or recordings of voices from other worlds. The main medium of the company Exopolitics Germany is your own website with an independently published magazine ExoMagazinewhich is published online for a fee.


He founded in 2004 Dr. Michael E. Salla the first website of exopolitics exopolitics.org. In 2005 then Institute of Exopolitics and in 2006 the magazine Exopolitics Journal. On this basis, branches have sprung up in other countries around the world, which today form a global network of exopolitics.

Dr. Michael E. Salla he was one of the first to come up with a deadline exopolitika.


There is also considerable interest in exopolitics in Slovakia, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, South America, Russia and many other countries…


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