Genetic genealogy versus falsification of ancient Russian history

27. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Another "nail" in the coffin of history forgers who have distorted many historical facts and invented obvious nonsense is genetic genealogy. Russian scientist Anatoly Klyosov is dealing with this. He is not the first to think about why this "Mongoloid" army of mythical Tataro-Mongols left no genetic "traces" on Russian territory after Batya's campaign and the three hundred-year-long Tatar-Mongolian yoke in Russia!

Do you think it is normal for these cruel conquerors - as the official history depicts them - to disappear from Russia and Eastern Europe without leaving behind Mongol genes? And we are no longer talking about the influence of their culture and language on the peoples under them. As far as is known, no graves of Batya's "Mongol" soldiers were found in any of these territories. Is it possible that the Mongols, who are representatives of haplogroup C, had nothing to do with Batya's soldiers or other Tatar-Mongol armies, as well as with the Mongol Empire, which was invented by Jesuit monks and which the Mongols themselves only learned from Soviet historians?

On this topic, you can read in the book Your Genetic Genealogy by Anatoly Kljosov: “Haplogroup C is practically non-existent in Russia, it is represented by only 0,4%. And this already shows that the Tatar-Mongol invasion in the 13th century, which began with the Battle of the Kalka River in 1223 and the next two centuries of tax collection from Russian princes, left no traces in the Y chromosomes of ethnic Russians, in any case in haplogroup C As will be shown below, this invasion did not leave any other haplogroups behind.

In general, historical sources emphasize the Mongol's leading role in this invasion, and a relatively typical phrase related to it is "the battle ended in complete Mongol victory," although no one claimed that the army led by Jeb and Subutai was ethnically Mongolian. even if only for the most part. In any case, it is considered normal for some reason that when they won, they left behind numerous descendants in the conquered territory. The example with haplogroup C and ethnic Russians shows that this was not the case. Military victory is often confused with subsequent colonization, but in the case of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, no colonization took place. "

So what? Why would suddenly such terrible conquerors, who had conquered half the world, be so gracious to the principalities of Kievan Rus and even allow some local princes to collect taxes? And as for their amount, are the 10% comparable to the amount of taxes that their current inhabitants pay to their own states? So if this has been given the name "yoke", then how can we name the current tax extortion by the world parasitic system, which is carried out with the help of governments from different countries?

It turns out that the cruel Mongols were much more human than what we call the black aristocracy, forming the so-called world government, whose servants in previous centuries totally falsified world and very ancient Russian history. But the truth is very simple. The mythical Tataro-Mongols did not leave their genetic imprint on Russia because they were genetically close to its inhabitants, or even were themselves, and therefore could not be any Mongols.

This also explains why there was no colonization of Russia, which was not actually conquered, but actually cleansed of treacherous pro-Western princes led by Danil Galický, who started fratricidal wars and was about to support the planned invasion of his country by the Vatican crusaders. In essence, this means that Batya's march on Russia was a "counterterrorism operation" against the armed forces of the fifth column. (refers to a group of people that interfere with the functioning of a whole from the rest of the majority, mostly majority people, which provoked an uprising with the aim of handing the Russian into the hands of the Vatican. And as for the amount of fees that the Russian had to pay, they are most reminiscent of the federal tax paid by the remote province and not the forced contributions of the conquered state.

In the already mentioned source we can read the confirmation of this version: "We will talk about the so-called haplotype of Genghis Khan, whose genetic genealogy is one of the most widespread mystifications. It all started at the beginning of the 21st century, when a group of researchers found in their samples taken from two thousand one hundred and twenty-three people an unusually high proportion of haplotypes of haplogroup C3. These people lived in various places from Central Asia to the Pacific Ocean. The researchers calculated the share of these haplotypes in the population and concluded that these haplotypes must represent 8% of the total population in Asia, which is at least sixteen million people.

Because the territory of this haplotype is large, it is clear that it is not some local population, but an overall, say, overpopulation phenomenon. So who was the one who gave birth to such a huge number of descendants? The researchers decided that the matter was clear and could only be Genghis Khan. That's an argument, isn't it ?! And they concluded that the common ancestor of haplotypes of this group lived about a thousand years ago, with a 95% probability in the range of 700 - 1300 years ago. In another variant of calculation, it was 860 years ago, with 95% probability 590 - 1300 years ago. In general, it was Genghis Khan's period, or at least a time close to him.

The truth is, however, that some embarrassment was caused by the fact that there were so many carriers of the haplotype, which was several million people, and the speculations caused by the press simply could not be found. The sensation was to find one of them in Ukraine. A senior Soviet army retired officer was embarrassed by the number of articles in the press about him. But given that there are sixteen million people here, then finding them must be very easy! But it wasn't, they didn't find them. Bad luck!

The article entitled The Genetic Heritage of the Mongols was published in a condensed form on four pages, and no new publications have emerged since then… Because haplotypes were not mentioned in the article, it proved impossible to verify the authors' calculations regarding mutations. But it was possible to use another method of calculation in which haplotypes alone are not needed.

In the dissertation we can find diagrams that show variations of haplotypes in a schematic form. A star cluster is shown separately, from which it can be concluded that it includes sixty-six haplotypes, thirty-five of which are the same, and that the mutation rate constant for the non-standard fifteen marker haplotype used in the article is equal to 0,0133 mutations per article. the whole haplotype in twenty-five years (this is of course not in the article), so the common ancestor of these sixty-six haplotypes lived In (66/35) / 0,0133 = forty-eight to fifty-one generations back, ie one thousand two hundred and seventy-five plus or minus two hundred and fifty years back, another seven hundred and twenty-eight plus or minus two hundred and fifty years, which is the 8th century plus or minus two hundred and three hundred years. But Genghis Khan was born between 1155 and 1162, four hundred years later…

It must be said that no Genghis Khan appears in the article The Genetic Heritage of the Mongols. There seems to be a widespread haplotype in which an error is evident and there is a presumption that they are descendants of Genghis Khan. And that's all. According to many sources, including the very old ones, which were published literally a few years after his death, Genghis Khan was never described as a Mongol.

He liked to pick mushrooms and various fruits in the forest (find one among the Mongols), he liked to hunt ducks (show the Mongols from the steppe a duck and suggest him eat it, everything will turn upside down in it), he liked to fish with his brother using a net (find one steppe Mongol), was from a tribe of "blue-eyed" (Bordjigins), hid from the pursuers in the woods and felt very confident there (find such a Mongol), etc. It will not surprise me at all if it will belong to the haplogroup R1a ".

The Northern Hyperborean haplogroup R1a forms the basis of the Russian population, and this explains why the mythical Tataro-Mongols in Russia did not leave a genetic trace. After all, they had common ancestors from the legendary Arctic region. Even their culture seemed to be close to the people of Russia, at least the Vedic one. So who, in fact, were these Tataro-Mongols who had hyperborne ancestors in common with the Russians? Medieval maps depicting the Siberian state of Greater Tartaria have been preserved to this day. It is not known exactly whether this Vedic land of the Siberian Aryans - the Russians, who are also known as the Scythians - was actually named in this way, but its very existence does not raise doubts.

So where do its blue-eyed and fair-haired inhabitants go? Many of them perished in the wars, and many were simply liquidated by the Romanovs and the Christian Church for their Vedic faith, both during the conquest of Siberia and in the following centuries. In order to keep these crimes hidden, other myths were devised that it was as if the ancient believers (not to be confused with the ancient rites) were burning themselves in their hermitages, surrounded on all sides by tsarist troops. And such a fate awaited all Vedic Russians who did not want to betray the faith of their Hyperborean ancestors and convert to Christianity.

The same thing had happened in Russia several centuries before, at the time of her forcible baptism with "fire and sword," ordered by Khazar Vladimir the Khazar. (kagan is the title of the head of state in the old turkish nations), who seized power and thus took revenge on those who destroyed his homeland during the reign of Prince Svyatoslav. Later, several million Vedic Russians exterminated at the time of the violent baptism and many cities burned during the fratricidal wars were falsified by historians to "invade the Tataro-Mongols," who caused considerable damage to the armies of Christian European rulers. But even in the old Russian miniatures, the mythical Tataro-Mongols are no different (except for flags) from the Russian princely retinue of the time and show no signs of a Mongoloid race.

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