Playing with death

16. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

You can believe that you are incurably ill. You can succumb to the illusion and delusion that it will no longer help you. Maybe because your doctors say it and perhaps because your closest friends call it yours.

If someone is ill, it means they lose power over what is happening to them. Something in his life does not work as he is, and therefore he loses control over his life. It's like losing a course on the open sea. You can confused the ship and yell: "I lost the course - I'm sick," or you can stop, calm down and start looking at yourself. Find your way back inside. It's not the sense of sickness to regret, but stop and look at where I've made a mistake in my life.

Western medicine has a disability in that it can not cure certain diseases: HIV, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, alzheimer, genetic predisposition, various forms of addiction and phobias, other exotic diseases,

But the problem is in the head. It's in our head that is taught that if a Western doctor does not help me, no one is. Business with death in healthcare is a good business. Even before people die, they get a lot of chemicals to keep them alive. A healthy person is the hardest to invest in for the pharmaceutical industry. Western medicine does not ask for causes but tries to suppress the consequences. He does not ask why we are sick, but he says: If something "hurts" take a powder. Does it hurt you all the time? Um, you're stupid, you're incurably sick - there's nothing to help you. It's a pretty harsh plot over the human life of another. It's like if they had a curse on you !!!

Eastern philosophy and shamanism of natural nations see things in a wider context. One must look not only at the symptom, but also on the context (causal link) as the symptom has emerged. It works not only with the physical body but also with the individual's psyche. He works on relationships with himself and his surroundings. It works with healing plants and shamanic rituals ... incurable diseases are, in turn, only forms of symptoms that are to highlight our mistakes in life. It is up to us how much we want to understand the real cause in the smallest detail. (Sometimes it's called holistic / comprehensive medicine.)

The difference is whether we decide to fall into depression with the notion that it does not help anymore, and it is a difference when we say that we still have hope. And although now we can not see the imaginary light at the end of the tunnel, the way out of the labyrinth, it still makes sense to find and ask if there is another solution ... I say yes!

We have so many options! Everyone has the fate of their lives in their own hands. No one else is in control of it.

You can believe what you want. It's just your choice.

You can decide to live or die. It's still your choice and no one else.

Several films that are very inspiring:

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