Kozyrev mirrors and the torus force

08. 09. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Kozyrev's mirrors open a new view of the world to those who are enclosed in them. Those encased in these specially shaped concave aluminum mirrors have out-of-body experiences and experience visions that far surpass those experienced on LSD. In Russia they performed huge research of this phenomenon.

Ancient mystics and prophets discovered that a mirror, especially a concave one, could enhance a person's clairvoyance. We introduced today's scientists to the unusual properties of these mirrors: physicists, biologists, geneticists, psychologists...

Scientists from the Siberian branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR then decided to study the mysterious properties of concave mirrors. Based on the experiments and the theory of time from the Leningrad astrophysicist Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev, in the late 1980s, scientists created a special mirror design and began experimenting with the transmission of mental images over long distances. Twelve countries of the world and almost five thousand participants were involved in the global experiments. The results exceeded all expectations. In most cases, up to 95% of telepathic information was received correctly. These results fascinating.

What if the secrets of concave mirrors were stolen when their greatest expert died - a 13th century scientist named Roger Bacon. How did he manage to look hundreds of years ahead and predict the invention of the microscope and telescope, cars and airplanes, ships powered by engines? How did he know about galaxies and extragalactic nebulae, the structure of biological cells and the process of embryo formation, the composition and functioning of gunpowder?

Is it a coincidence that a UFO was seen above the laboratories during the Kozyrev mirror experiments?  And what about this so-called field of fear around mirror settings? What do the glowing symbols that appear in it mean? What happens to the person inside Kozyrev's mirror? How is it with information space (collective memory, akasha) and how can researchers obtain information not only from the distant past of humanity, but also from the future?

What is the significance of the concave mirror on a planetary scale and how can it affect people and equipment? What are the prospects of concave mirrors in medicine, aviation, scientific knowledge of the world? And finally, why are the sensational results of Siberian and Ural scientists practically unknown to people?

These are the questions that this paper addresses.


Simple polished aluminum sheets are enough.

Kozyrev's mirrors they are installed to create an enclosed space in which the Earth's magnetic field weakens, thereby giving humans greater access to solar and galactic information. Through numerous experiments, ISRICA has focused on studies in a number of areas, including human psychophysiology, the pathology of disease and health, and the development of telepathic fields and remote sensing. In 1990-91, a precursor to the rainbow bridge experiment called The Aurora Borealis Global Experiment on the investigation of remote information interactions in the noosphere and their role in the planet-biospheric homeostasis of the Earth.


Interview with Alexander Trofimov

Imagine standing under a vast sparkling aurora and watching it change colors as you change your thoughts. This is exactly the situation that led the Russian doctor Alexander V. Trofimov to his groundbreaking research into human consciousness in collaboration with Vlail P. Kaznacheev and following in the footsteps of the great physicist of the 20th century, Nikolai Kozyrev.

Kozyrev basically invented reproducible experiments that prove existence torsional energy field outside of electromagnetism and gravity, which travels much faster than light. He called him the flow of time. Others, among them Einstein, called it ether. Others call it zero point energy (ZPE), whether free energy.

Within this flow of time there is past, present and future at the same time and in every place. This discovery paves the way for all psychic phenomena to be scientifically explainable. Over the past thirty years, Trofimov and Kaznacheev have experimentally developed practical explanations and made several surprising discoveries.

When I visited Trofimov's laboratories at the International Scientific Research Institute for Space Anthropoecology in Novosibirsk, where he is the general director, he enthusiastically showed us his two main experimental devices—two human-sized hollow metal tubes equipped with mattresses and drinking water.

The first named Kozyrev's mirrors, reflects thought energy (which exists in flow of time) back to the thinker. This apparatus, invented by Kozyrev, allows access to heightened consciousness and altered states, including non-linear time – similar to a state of deep meditation.

Trofimov's work consisted of remote viewing experiments across distance and time. They found that the results are more positive when it is sender in the far north where the electromagnetic field is less strong. So they invented a second device that shields the experimental subject from the local electromagnetic field. Within this apparatus, their subjects can instantly and reliably access all places and times—past, present, and future. Design specifications for these devices are published in Russian scientific literature.

Trofimov and Kaznacheev's conclusions include:

  1. the electromagnetic field of our planet is actually veil, which filters time and place down to our everyday Newtonian reality – allowing us to experience the human experience of linear time,
  2. in the absence of an electromagnetic field we have access to an energy field immediate locations, which is the basis of our reality,
  3. that the restraining effect of the electromagnetic field on an individual is mitigated by the amount of solar electromagnetic activity that occurs when that individual was in utero,
  4. and that once one reaches these states, one's consciousness remains so enhanced.

The implication is that the global electromagnetic soup of cell phones, radios, televisions, and electrical appliances actually inhibits our innate communication abilities. Another consequence is that augmented human consciousness is now mechanically producible, which raises the vast ethical question of how these devices can be used most advantageously.

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