Maria Oršić is said to have helped build the first flying saucer

16. 07. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Maria Oršić belonged to the secret society Vril. In Germany, not a single book has yet been published about this occult female group, and the public first learned about the mysterious blonde only in the 60s.

Although it might seem to some that she was a perfect Aryan, Slavic blood circulated in her veins. Her father Tomislav Oršić was a Croat from Zagreb, who in 1894 met a beautiful Viennese ballerina named Sabine. They fell in love and got married shortly after.

Their daughter Maria, who was born in 1895, also had incredible beauty, which, if she wanted, she could have used on the silver screen. However, the world of film did not attract her.

In 1919, Maria moved to Munich to join her fiancé. There she made contact with the occult society Thule. Soon after, however, she founded her own group, the Vril Society, named after a mysterious power with which she can turn a human into a superhuman.


Maria Orsic

The members of this strictly secret society were exclusively women, mostly beautiful young girls who wore their hair very long. They tied their hair in a long ponytail, which was quite unusual at the time. However, these beauties believed that their long locks functioned as space antenna, by which they can receive signals from aliens. In addition, they were also identified by a disc that depicted the two main telepaths of this company - the already mentioned Orsić and a girl known only under the name Sigrun.

These women allegedly established telepathic contact with the people solar systems Aldebaran, which should be distant from Earth 68 light years and around which the sun is circling two inhabited planets. They claimed that the planet Summi Er inhabited by a very technically and spiritually advanced race white Gods of Light, while on the planet Summi Ann several degenerate human races live.

As a result of unfavorable climatic changes, the White Godlords colonized millions of years ago a new planet called 500 Mallona (also Maldek, Marduk) and orbited then between the Earth and Jupiter. From there, they first landed on the planet 500 million years ago Earth, where later on the territory Ancient Mesopotamia formed the ruling castra of the Sumer. The telepaths also learned that the Sumerian and Aldebaran languages ​​are similar, and that Aldebaran Sumerian sounds similar to German.


Beautiful, young, long-haired - these were members of VRIL who made contact with aliens.

Members of the Vril company managed to obtain construction plans for the production of which were unknown at that time disk drives, whose technical data were so precise that it was possible to begin their implementation immediately. However, due to a lack of funding, it took three years project Aldebaran started off.

Several prototypes of flying machines were created. The biggest one had a label VRIL-7 and was able to travel across time-space dimensions. This revolutionary travel technology was said to have been tested for the first time at the end of 1944.

As World War II progressed, Vril members became increasingly concerned that the technology they acquired could be misused for military purposes. Maria Oršić mysteriously disappeared in 2. Her last letter, dated March 1945, 11, ends with the words: "Nobody Stays Here".

According to some, Mary managed to escape from Germany to South America, along with other prominent Nazis, and others claim to have moved to Aldebaran with the help of aliens. According to the third version, she resorted to Antarctica, where she founded a Utopian underground New Swabiland.

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