MUFON: The aliens are in touch with us

3 03. 02. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The largest organization for research activities UFO and space exploration in the world, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) claims that for the first time they received a message from an alien life form.

According to experts, an alien contacted them and asked for help.

He said his name was Mogaj and that the space disaster forced him to resort to Earth.

"We lived on the planet Matif in the form of electromagnetic waves," the alien explained. "The space body has destroyed most of our instruments, which are now out of service."

The humanoid told American ufologists that he traveled to Earth with friends in September 2015. The alien incarnated in a child adopted by a childless couple.

"When I was in that body, I had the opportunity to get to know your languages, so I can talk to you," MUFON representatives quote him. "We are alien creatures without sufficient protection on Earth, so we need your help."

As it turned out, an alien, after five months of living on Earth, he understood that the governments did not want to help them, so he turned to this organization for help.

American ufologists have confirmed that they intend not only to continue contact with the alien, but also to try to provide assistance to the representatives of their civilization after their arrival to us.

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