The Blue Planet Project (10.díl): The apparent and classified research in Dulce

27. 12. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

US Secretary of Energy John Henington has named the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico as the buildings of a new advanced genetic research center for a project to decipher the human genome. The genome contains genetically encoded instructions that control the development of every cell, from the fertilized egg to the final biological being. "The human genome research project can have a huge direct impact on humanity and any scientific initiative ahead today," said David Shirley, director of the Berkeley Laboratory.

Scientific research in Dulce laboratories has been carried out for several years. Level # 6 in Dulce is private, called "Night Mare Hall," and there are genetic labs. Reports from workers (CR-24 / ZM 52 - Set VII) who saw bizarre experiments are as follows:

"I saw many-legged people who looked half human and half octopus, but also reptiles and hairy beings who had hands like humans, cried like children and imitated human words, as well as a large mixture of lizards with human form in cages. There are fish, birds and mice that can hardly be considered our species. There are several cages and vats of winged humanoids, grotesque bat creatures, like creatures about three and a half to seven feet tall, ugly creatures like gargoyles (Pazuzu) or Draconians or Reptiloids. ”

Level # 7 is even worse, many in a row are human and humanoids (hundreds, maybe thousands) stored in fridges. There are also embryo containers that represent humanoids at different stages of development.

"I often met with people in cages, usually dazed, but sometimes wept and begged for help. We have been told that they are hopelessly mad and involved in high-risk mood therapy. At first we were told to never try to talk to them. We believed that story. "


Finally, in 1978, a small group of workers discovered the truth. It began with the Dulce war and there was a secret unit of resistance there.

NOTE: At present, Dulce is more than 18 000 aliens. At the end of 1979 there was an armed confrontation, many scientists and military personnel were killed. The base was closed in time but is now active again. The abduction of humans and animals, their blood and other body parts, slowed down in the mid-eighties, when Livermore Berkeley laboratories began to produce artificial blood for Dulce and its sister complexes.

  In the confrontation of humans and aliens in Dulce, 82 people were killed, scientists from the National Recon and DELTA GROUP, which was responsible for the safety of all people associated with the alien projects. There were also hundreds of other wounded and 132 dead aliens.


This type of subject is one that abducted and contactees have seen in underground facilities since 1963. They are bred by the thousands. Dulce is the best known place to do this, although there are at least 26 other bases in the United States that have similar breeding facilities.

The Delta Group has been seen as a black triangle on a red background as part of the intelligence activity. Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, which has the shape of a triangle and is preferably used in some Masonic symbols.


Each base has its own symbol - the Dulce Base symbol is a triangle with the Greek letter "TAU" inside and the symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down.


The character of the triangle and 3 side lines was recorded on alien ships. It's a Trilaterals character.


Other symbols for landing space for aliens:


Inside the base of the Dulce, security officers wear coveralls with the Dulce symbol on the front upper left side of the coveralls. The standard handgun in Dulce is the "Flash Gun", which is good against humans and aliens. Iris sensors are used for identification as a replacement for old identity cards, but ID card readers are still used in card readers at doors and elevators that contain the Dulce symbol above the photo on the card.

After the second level, all employees are weighed completely naked and then given a uniform, visitors a uniform white uniform. In front of all protected areas there are eye readers and weight sensors that control the opening of the door. Authorization, identity and also weight are checked. Any change in weight greater than two pounds will alert the security service. No one, without special permission or authorization, may transmit anything in or out of the monitored area. All deliveries are made using a safety conveyor system. The symbolic language of aliens, Greeks and Nordics appears frequently in this device.

During the construction of the facility, which was carried out in stages, the aliens helped in the design offices and with the construction materials for many years. Many of these things used by workers were technologies they could not understand, but that is a different story, it worked when it was completely done.

For example:

Elevators have no cable, they are magnetically controlled. The magnetic drive system is inside the wall. There are no conventional electrical controls. Everything is controlled magnetically. This includes a magnetic induction (phosphorescent) lighting system. No normal bulbs are used, all exits are magnetically controlled.

Note: If you put a large solenoid on the input, it will affect its immediate closure. Technicians will have to come up, reset the system, and deny you if they get you!


City of Dulce


The area around Dulce base had a large number of reported animal mutilation. The government and aliens used animals to test environmental influences, to psychological warfare

against humans, etc. Extraterrestrials also wanted to get a large amount of organic material for genetic research, as food for themselves and for other reasons.

In the book "ET and UFO - they need us, but we don't need them", there was an original idea for one title, but it was not my personal idea. Virgil Armstrong reported that his friends Bob and Sharon had stopped by Dulce tonight, had dinner, and opened a loud discussion with some locals about the alien abductions for experimentation. The aliens abducted reluctant human victims from the inhabitants of Dulce and implanted something in their heads and bodies. The locals were frightened and angry, but they didn't feel like getting help from anyone, because the aliens had agreed to it with our government. (Code: SR-24 / AK.5).

Recently, participants in field research (Code: SR-24 / R25 / AK.2), in the area near Archuletta Mesa, were confronted by two small hovering ships. Everyone suddenly fell ill and had to leave the area. Naturally, several inhabitants of Dulce were not in the area, some people and even couples with children came to the town of Dulce after 1948. A whole generation of idle agents have already occupied exposed positions here, such as working at a gas station, drugstore, bar, restaurant etc. They are there to report any breach of base security. In Dulce, you never know who you're dealing with.

Project Blue Planet

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