The fish stinks from the head

1 14. 10. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Psychopathy is a deep-rooted and persistent psychic trait, state, or pattern of behavior that expresses an individual's characteristic lifestyle and relationship to himself or herself and that represents extreme or significant deviations from the ways in which the average person perceives, thinks, he feels and forms relationships with others.


  • emotional psychopathy - exaggerated feelings or emotional coldness
  • moral psychopathy - lack of conscience, lack of freedom
  • sadistic psychopathy - emotional coldness, heartlessness, unconsciousness, inclination to cruelty occurring in childhood (eg animal suffering)
  • sexual psychopathy

The document on CT2 Fish smells from the head in detail characterizes the characteristics of psychopaths and sociopaths. He points out that many of these people work in leadership roles, especially in politics or in general in management positions.

I would like to point out that the subliminal advertising with the fish symbol and perhaps something else is short-circuited. I therefore only recommend listening and not looking at the picture.

Source: Wikipedia, ČT2



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