The mystery of the White Island, where all-powerful and all-encompassing people lived as brothers

20. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

It was a legendary place and in the deep past perhaps a real island in Central Asia, the exact location of which is not yet known.

According to legend, this island still exists today, in the form of an oasis, around which stretches a huge deserted Gobi desert. Once upon a time, it was not possible to connect with the island because the surrounding sea dried up. Only the underground passages allowed it, but only the Initiates knew. And it is quite possible that these corridors have been preserved to this day.

There is a lot of mention of the White Island, but most of them are based on retelling of legends and myths.

The letters of the Mahatmas (published in the book The Goblet of the East) also express the idea that the sea once stretched in Central Asia. This subsequently turned into a two-million-square-kilometer Gobi Desert due to global catastrophes. And as one of these letters claims, there once lay the inaccessible island of Shambhala, where the Sons of Light lived.

Ancient eastern legends testify to the fact that the White Island is the center of Asia and the whole planet. This center existed and will always exist, from prehistory to the end of our planetary cycle. Nor did it touch the world's flood or other global disasters.

In the ancient epic poem Ramayana it is said:

"… Here is the big White Island (Cvetadvipa) near the Milky Ocean, where big strong people live. They are tall with shoulders, endowed with great, both physical and spiritual strength, and their voice resembles thunder. ”

When the hero of the Ravan poems emerge, this magical place is filled with the blinding light that the sight of an ordinary person is not strong enough to endure it. There is a terrible storm around, and the whole space is so powerful and supernatural that the Ravana airship can not land on the shore.

In the Indian epic Mahabharata, written centuries later, the sage Narayana tells Narada about the location of the White Island and the need to look for it in Central Asia, northwest of Mount Meru, which is to be the abode of gods and demigods.

"When Narada reached the great white island, he saw the people - bright, shining like the moon. He worshiped them by bowing his head, and they worshiped him in spirit. Each of them shone like this; this island was the abode of radiation. "

In the Ramayana, this country is depicted on the other side of the Himalayas. North of it, the raging river Šila and everyone who approaches it will turn to stone. Only perfect beings can be transported through it. Gentle tremors of wind blow forever in this blissful region. Those who live here know neither misfortune nor worries, and the trees bow all year round under the weight of their fruits.

In the old Indian Legend of Kṛṣṇa, the place where the island is located is even marked. Ancient Indian geographers thought that Cvetadvipa was one of the islands of our Earth and recorded it on maps. The ancient Greek poet Hesiod (6th - 7th century BC) sang this promised land of humanity's spiritual endeavors in the poem Work and Day.

The works of the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-c´ (4th - 5th century BC) claim that somewhere, hidden from the world, people live, endowed with supernatural abilities (perhaps the same island was spoken of here).

"... they have such power over their bodies that they literally appear only as the contour of the spirit. No cold or sunshine can harm them and nothing can hurt them. They are omnipotent and know everything. They are God's people who have achieved immortality. "

In the 15th century, the Persian poet Jami also touched the abode of the heroes of the spirit. With his inner vision he saw this city and the people who lived in it:

"This city was a town of special people. There were neither Shah, nor the princes, nor the rich, nor the poor. All the people of this country were equal as brothers ... "

German mystic Karl von Eckartshausen wrote of an island inhabited by the Supreme Thinkers of Humankind:

"There have long been people seeking wisdom in the purity of their hearts, but they have lived in secret and done good without drawing attention to themselves."

"The monument to this island has been preserved as a distant echo in the hearts of some people in the East," wrote Jelena Blavatska a hundred years after Karl von Eckartshausen in the second volume of The Secret Doctrine, where she devoted an entire chapter to the old Eastern legend of the White Island.

According to her, a huge sea once stretched throughout the territory of Central Asia, north of the Himalayas, in the middle of which there was a beautiful island, incomparable to its beauty, which was inhabited by the last representatives of the third race. These people (the Elohim, the sons of God) were able to live without problems in water, air and fire, because they had unlimited power over the natural elements. It was they who revealed the highest knowledge to people.

Be that as it may, it is difficult today to understand what the White Island was or is. Is it an indisputably existing reality, or a beautiful dream of romantic poets and a speculative idea of ​​the philosophers of the past? So far, this island is in line with Plato's Atlantis, White Waters and other legendary objects. Some researchers plan to look for traces of the White Island somewhere beyond the Gobi Desert.

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