The Great Pyramid and the Royal Chamber

6 16. 10. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Occasional photo according to clothes sometimes from 19. and 20. century shows the status of the so-called Royal Chambers in the Great Pyramid (Giza, Egypt). The photo comment says: We took a picture of the entrance to the small passage through which the royal chamber enters. To see how small she is, Grace stands near her on the west side. The entrance to the northern ventilation shaft can be seen with the left hand. It should be noted that the upper edge of the shaft inlet is in line with the upper edge of the inlet.

Notice that in the photo, it looks as if the wall of the pyramid was completely smooth and in one piece. Currently, you would see lines of stone joints on the wall. They are absolutely tight that you don't really put a razor in there, but they are visible. Another detail are doodles such as: “I was here! Fantomas. ”And something resembling a waterfall made of some liquid flowing from a so-called ventilation shaft. You won't find both there today (10.2011).


It is also worth mentioning the fact that the chamber was from some sources smoothed something black. It is said that it looked like a big explosion in the chamber. This deposit dirt was removed in the early 20th century under reconstruction. On the occasion, unfortunately, the small details that I mentioned: overlapping joints and drainage from shafts.

For the sake of interest, I would like to add that you will find a similar outflow from the shaft in the Red Pyramid. No one has cleaned it yet. The local shaft is closed after about 5 cm and you can smell sulfur in the pyramid. So I dare say that what comes out of the shaft in the photo will be the same as we can still see in the Red Pyramid today.

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