Great Pyramid: A Personal Story

43 26. 08. 2022
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

I was in Egypt as a tourist in 2003, 2005 and most recently in 2011. Like almost every tourist who is definitely on a sightseeing tour, I visited all the important temples, tombs and pyramids in Egypt.

I want to dedicate this story to my purely personal encounter with Giza and specifically with the Great Pyramid. I write about it the way I experienced and felt it.

When I first saw the pyramids in 2003, it was really a shock mixed with a big inner cry. The shock of being really huge and visible for miles around, as Cairo is mostly flat. Crying, because it's all destroyed and degraded to a tourist attraction in the heaviest caliber.

Great and medium pyramid from the west

When you look towards the pyramids, it is an impressive view of the technology and intelligence of the builders, which you can hardly take with contemporary reason. When you look in the opposite direction, it's scary. You can see an extensive development of low gray houses without roofs shrouded in smog haze. It is a suburb of central Cairo, which is close to the pyramid district. It is a hippo year after year, because the development is expanding. Related to this is the ubiquitous waste and the associated stench. In the neighborhood of the Sphinx and one of the temples is a huge plain of chairs, which is used for evening light and music shows. (I've always forgiven this pastime.)

In 2003, they built road infrastructure for the pyramids so that tourists would not step on their feet and be able to reach the foot of the pyramids by bus directly from the main gate. It is about 500 meters. In addition, in 2005 they started building a new entrance gate with cash registers and a large parking lot about 300 meters from the Great Pyramid.

The scenario of an ordinary tourist, which is simple here. They will take you to the gate, where you will stand in a relatively long queue for quite expensive tickets (compared to others). The entrance to the complex cost in 2011 I guess 80 LE with the opportunity to visit any pyramid except the Great Pyramid. There is an extra entrance fee of 100 LE and a limited number of visitors incl. special opening hours. Then they will take you by bus behind the pyramids to the desert. You have a great view of all three pyramids. Because you are on a hill, you do not see so much of Cairo itself, which is slightly lower than the pyramids. Then they ask where you want and most tourists will say that there is nothing to see there anyway and this one is enough. Only a few enthusiasts who bought a ticket to the Great Pyramid are guided by guides that they want to reach a busy destination! It is characterized by heat, so others are grumbling that we should not delay it too much…

Great Pyramid

During each of my travels, I was in the Great Pyramid. It was always accompanied by other circumstances. In 2003, I was there with my parents and a bunch of their friends, who were clear about everything. He puts it up, what's his name - yeah Cheops, and working on thousands of slaves. There is clear evidence in the temples. I've seen it. So some theories about aliens just tell the bastards.

That's when I thought I'd go back some other time and with someone less boarded up. I succeeded in 2005. That's when I got to the pyramid with a friend and we were really lucky because they sold us the last two tickets. So I also experienced a situation where I was there alone for about 5 minutes, because my friend didn't make it. In 2011 there were 6 of us enthusiasts who also gave a solo performance.

But let's go back to the beginning.

The road to the Great Pyramid leads along its slope, when the perimeter blocks, which are really huge (over 2 to 3 meters in height), are cut by steps. These are not original. They cut them out there for tourists. After that, you will climb to the entrance left to us by a group of thieves under the baton of Caliph Al-Ma'mun sometime in 820 AD. The corridor is about 20 meters long and is roughly cut directly into the pyramid. You will get to a space from which you can enter the corridor, which will take you directly to the lowest chamber. But there is a grille, so the only other option is a few steps cut into the stones and then a narrow shaft about 1,5 × 1,5 meters, in which they are grounded on the ground like a chicken coop. There is always one person in one direction, so you always have to wait to see if you are climbing up or down. This corridor is about 30 meters long, so nothing for people with claustrophobia. The famous Great Gallery follows.

The large gallery is a truly monumental space. When you look at the ceiling, it's like a gateway to heaven. The output of the galleries as a mountain hike. Although you no longer have to go on all fours and can hold on to railings, it is still a very demanding performance in stifling air, especially when you are not trained in the local climate. During the ascent, you can repeatedly confirm an old familiar truth: neither a fingernail nor a razor or a knife… you simply do not insert anything between the joints. Rather, it gives the impression that someone has additionally painted the joints there to make it good it looked.

Although it does not find a single ancient Egyptian inscription in the Great Pyramid, there are countless modern graffiti. They are engraved directly into the stones. Classic type inscriptions: I was here! Fantomas, LP 2007, A + R, etc. Of course in all languages, including Czech.

When you manage to climb the galleries, there are about three last steps left in the form of wings hammered into a meter of stone and you are on the access road to the so-called royal chamber. It is still necessary to walk about 5 meters in the forward bend. There is a space in which you can straighten up for a while.

When I was there for the second time, I realized there were guide grooves that apparently served for the three huge stones that closed the entrance to the chamber. Unfortunately, this is unfortunately long gone.

Hurrah! We are in the bowels of the Great Pyramid !!! Hmm, but there's nothing !? Is that why we came here? We have to go back the same way. It's about nothing.

Joints in the chamber

This is the way most tourists face, who are going through really demanding exits here. In addition, you have quite a chance to dump, so do not take anything white or festive - even those fools were there. J

That space amazed me. It's a very earthy place. I have a lot of it every time settled and I felt the immense power of that space, which though not at full power, but still works in some way economical or emergency regime.

When the athletes looking for an attraction leave, there is complete silence and inner peace in the space. It is felt that something is going on here beyond the ordinary understanding of man. Something we are not used to today and we can't grasp it with our commonly used 5 senses.

One of the first things I rejected was the theory of the tomb. It's just different here. After visiting 3 real royal tombs on the west bank of the Nile and one mini tomb of a royal scribe, there is a completely different energy. In the tomb, you can feel that it served that purpose. It's the same as walking through a cemetery or a church full of crypts.

That space is in itself odd. You are in a block where there are bare walls (I do not count the contemporary folk creativity of tourists and natives). Everything is absolutely smooth and somehow alien. The only thing that disturbs that distinctive character is the opening into space a bath, which stands at the northern wall of the room. For collectors of sensational hieroglyphs there is nothing to be found here, so I am not surprised that many will come and leave again. For a human being, it is a meeting at the level of a forest man with a mainframe - you just do not understand, you do not understand - you stare bluntly into the void and try to catch something. Something you still would understand.

Closer to the entrance are the two famous shafts. One is to the west and the other to the east. The eastern one is damaged as our modern Egyptologists tried to break it into it and fill the fan. In 2011, it no longer functioned as well as a camera system. The wall around the east shaft is really badly damaged. They obviously had to take a very strong caliber to do so.

When it was no longer what to look at and what to feel, I tried to cover everything in what we generally call 6. meaning. Touching the wall is a very special sensation, not just physical. They are perfectly smooth and the joints almost unnoticeable, but you feel the extra energy they are eliminating.

In 2005, I took advantage of that unique opportunity of that brief loneliness in space and stood in the middle of the room in the position of a five-pointed star. You could feel the strange energy of the pyramid passing through me almost immediately - very strong, very dense, and very grounding, and yet soothing in some way. It lasted for about 5 minutes before the voices of a group of three women, who were cheerfully talking in a language I did not understand, reached me. When they appeared in the chamber, it occurred to me that they were from Turkey. I don't know if that was true. The first thing they were aiming for was a bathtub, and one of them lay down in it after a short heckling from the others. Something quietly envied me that I didn't allow myself to leave.

In 2011, I returned to the scene with a group of similarly attuned people. We were lucky again that at least for a while there was no one else in the space. I was determined to get into the tub this time too, and the others were to make me bushes.

The experience was simply phenomenal. This is really misunderstood until you try it for yourself. I measure 193 cm and it was just for me. I estimate that the inner length of the bathtub is dimensioned at 2 meters. I just had it with my shoes. Cool landscape. I just closed my eyes, felt a lot of pressure on the parietal chakra and in my legs. At the same time, I only touched the floor. It was very intense. I felt that if I stayed here longer, it would throw me into a different state of consciousness. It also came back to me that the bathtub was not in its original place. (She's supposed to be in the middle.) Without saying a word, I challenged another to try it too. Subsequently, we compared our feelings and experiences, there was a clear agreement.

Then we tried to meditate for at least a while in the middle of the room. Unfortunately, another batch of tourists rushed into the area. But it was interesting that they also tried the pyramid communicate. From this I conclude that more and more people are trying to understand its original nature and purpose.

There was a return to daylight and tropical heat in the same way.


Photography and filming are not officially allowed in the Great Pyramid. But when you're inside, no one checks it, so you can find videos from the adventurous journey through the pyramid on YT. The following video shows the ascent to the so-called royal chamber and the queen's chamber.

The so-called the Queen's chamber and the underground I personally did not see. They are not always accessible. On the video right from the beginning you will see the shaft to the original entrance to the pyramid.




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