Edgar Cayce: The Spiritual Path (2.): Changing anything begins with motives and ideals

08. 01. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality


This article will be unique by writing it a second time. The first version has disappeared ... You ask how and why - I don't know. Cannot open file with computer properties. So I sit again at the keyboard and write it again. Maybe it's part of a change in the settings Edgar was talking about, maybe I have learned not to stick, let go, and not give up on the first failure. I must confess I do not want to. I'd rather run or cook or read, but I can't forget the truth, run from it, ignore it. There is simply no article and only I can write it. And even though I deeply believe that we are all one, my personal work for me will not be done for me.

For all of you who want to honestly learn something, I have one gift. Write to me by Friday, January 013.01.2017, XNUMX, your experiences from performing exercises, how it works or not, what works, what scrubs. At the end of the week, I will draw one of you and he will receive a treatment craniosacral biodynamics free. Write to me through the form at the end of the article.

How me Sueneé he recently said, “Use your strong masculine energy to support that woman in yourself. And so I'm going… ” Pleasant reading.

Principle X.NUMX: "Changing anything begins with motives and ideals."

Take some time and imagine what future you would like to have. Be specific:

  • What kind of people do you want to meet in your life?
  • How will you spend your free time?
  • Where do you live and work?
  • Is there anything I need to change in my life?
  • Do I want to start something and I have not decided yet?
  • Do I want to stop doing something and I still have not decided?

In order to transform these dreams into reality, certain changes are necessary. It will be necessary to change the external conditions, more importantly, to change our thoughts and feelings. The real change begins with your values, motives and ideals. Based on his / her work with clients, he / she reached Sigmund Freud to the fact that our values ​​are rooted in primitive biological needs. On the other hand Carl Jung he was of the opinion that although physical desires make up some values, there is also a spiritual element that is able to lift us beyond mere physical demands. Joseph Campbell, exploring myths, divided human motifs into four categories: Desire to eat, desire for the continuation of the genus, effort to conquer and finally compassion. While the first two are of a purely animal character, the third is distinctly human, and the fourth is tentative of the waking spiritual consciousness. Philosophy Edgar Cayce unambiguously claim that although we are to some extent under the influence of the earth desires, our true nature is spiritual.

Ideas and ideals

Ideas are not the same as ideas, although it is easy to confuse them. One way to understand the difference between them is to look at thoughts as things. Ideas seem to be ours and we can own them as well as material goods. The more people believe our thoughts, the more energy we derive from them. "Convert or die," was the motto of every religious war in history and any fanatic.

On the other hand, we can not own the ideals. If we want the ideal to become part of our life, we must allow it to become it. If a parent educates their child about patience, they must first become patient with patience, and then they will be credited. Understanding the ideal will allow him to change us. It sounds simple, but whoever has ever tried to change some bad habits knows he wants a great deal of endurance. Offered exercises could help us.


  • Set short-term goals that will positively change your future.
  • But first try to express the meaning of your life, find your spiritual ideal.
  • Then choose one change you want to work on the next week. It can be a change of diet, problems in a relationship or at work, bad habits or habit, physical exercise.
  • Choose goals that are achievable. Leave plenty of space to succeed in the next week. Gradually, your goals may be more challenging, but initially start with those simpler ones.

I recommend writing down your results every day. And if you have the courage to share them, write to me via the form at the end of the article. In the next part, we will present the winners of the treatment competition in the next part craniosacral biodynamics free.

    Edgar Cayce: The Way Towards Yourself

    More parts from the series