Jaroslav Dušek and Pjér la Šé'z: Indian inspiration

03. 08. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Jaroslav Dušek a psychotherapist Pjér la Šé'zInspired for years by the Toltec culture, the guides are a half-hour documentary on the influence of Indians on Western life.

We will also meet CJ Calleman, a Swedish scientist living in the United States who, as one of the few scientists, deals with the Mayan calendar. It is more accurate than ours and is characterized by certain cycles, on the basis of which it is possible to derive the development of our society. The document also includes Zdeněk Ordelt, who stayed among the Mexican shamans for a long time, gained their trust and was later introduced to shamanic practice.

We are increasingly aware of the dead ends of the rapid development of Western society, we are looking for starting points and inspiration. The worldwide interest in Native American cultures shows that there is indeed something inspiring in them.

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