The Cult of the Sun

5 12. 02. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

When we take a couple of years on the rondels that are connected with water flows, we find one thing that repeats at all the rondels, except that the natural conditions did not allow it, so there may be an exception. And that the access road runs from the west to the east, at least so it is sometimes seen on aerial photographs, maps. Oblique or part of the way is preserved, so when we are standing on that part of the road or arc, and we have a compass in our hand, the path is constantly oriented west-east and leads to the center of the rondel, or the grid of the earth. Our ancestors understood that where the sun sets in is darkness, underworld, etc. And where the sun comes out, there are the heavens - the light. So the access road to the rondel, or the grid of the earth, was made according to the cult of the sun. When we go to the rondel in the thought of our ancestors, we go from darkness to light. Today we can see in today's older churches that the gate to the church or the entrance to the church is on the west side and the altar is on the eastern side. This tradition is gradually receding in the construction of new churches, and today's new churches are no longer so oriented. The access road to the rondel was bordered on both sides by stones with symbols of that time - runes and arrows. The arrows showed the direction of the way, according to the pilgrims. The pilgrims seemed to come from a distance, and some of them as a sign of respect or energy, brought a stone from their home, which they laid on the side of the road. This habit is still preserved in the Czech Republic - Ivančena - Beskydy.

I enclose photos of stones found on the access road. For today's man, perhaps, primitive arrows that pointed the way or direction. These symbols were made without iron objects, and a reference to this can be found in the Bible. lb-EX 20,25. And when you build the sacrificial altar, you must not build it from blocks (ie carved stones), because you lifted your (iron) tool on it and desecrated it (ie stones), this was also true in our countries, it was worldwide.



Continuation Next: Four Elements

Hidden forces of Mother Earth

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