Mars looks much more like our planet Earth?

24 29. 05. 2023
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

NASA has been targeted to deliberately manipulate the colors of photographs taken on the surface of Mars to obscure the fact that the surface of Mars resembles some places on Earth in many ways, and that there is life on Mars. Some alternative researchers point to careless color corrections that follow repair Mars will show in more blue and green colors.

Discussions about the shape of Mars began in 1970, when NASA landed with the first Viking 1 reconnaissance spacecraft on its surface. (At least that's what NBC News says.)

The first photos from Viking 1 showed the sky, which was like blue on Earth. This sparked the idea that there could be life on Mars.

A member of the Viking 1 team, Carl Sagan, said at a press conference shortly after the photo was released: "Despite the initial impression, the sky is actually pink."

Heaven on Earth is blue due to a known phenomenon like Rayleigh's scattering, in which the particles of blue spectrum of light are scattered throughout the atmosphere. NASA claims that the sky on Mars had been riddled with the domodra because of the use of incorrect optical filters for Viking imagery, and that the images had to be properly calibrated to balance the colors.

But not everyone is convinced that this is the case. Ron Levin, a researcher at Lockheed Martin, said in his report: “Excess red is found in all photos from Mars where there are blue and green areas. Such extreme overexposures show in contrast to the gray areas. It seems that the original RAW photos were modified before the publication so that the blue and green pixels were converted to shades of gray, which has a very significant effect on the rendering of the image. "

Some researchers say: "The pictures were deliberately rebuilt to make it look like there is no life in the form of green algae or lichens on Mars."

Mars: Blue Planet?

Mars: Blue Planet?

Mars: The Red Planet?

Mars: The Red Planet?

[clearboth] Both the Opportunity and Curiosity vehicles have color calibration plates on top of each other, which they use to adjust the color balance to a natural look. As a result, the photos from Mars are more ore and pink, allegedly caused by the iron dust that fills the Mars atmosphere.

NASA itself admits that this may not be accurate. Color balance is very subjective, and no two space probes use the same color filters (their combination). Likewise, people perceive bars differently.

NASA is trying to dispel speculation by publishing RAW photo files on its website, and especially color-coded photos with the process of coloring. Unfortunately, this does not preclude the fact that RAW files can be (and most likely are) manipulated before they are published. So if he wants to be absolutely clear, he needs to have a direct connection and the certainty that there is no automatic software in his way that retouches politically. inappropriately colors and objects.

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