Nairam Insider: A New Chronology of Ages (6.): Essence of Life

13. 07. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

The core of each body and mind are 4 main components. Body Liquids, Blood, Essences, and Ki. Essence can be imagined as a more dense form of life energy Ki, or essence JIN. It is the moment of conception and nourishes the fetus during pregnancy from the mother's kidneys. Other parts This Other essences is postnatal and we get it after birth by taking food and breathing. That's why quality and proper breathing and food selection are so important. Postnatal essences adds kidney essenceWhich ensures body circulation. Energy and fluid must circulate for everything to function as it should. It's like water. When it circulates, it is full of oxygen, energy and life. If it is static, it will start to spoil.

Because this essence is present in the kidneys, it works on both Jin, So i Jang's energy. Therefore, kidney function is so important for the flow of life energy through the body and is therefore important drinking mode, since it has more than 70% of water in you. The volume of water in the muscles is 70%, 60%, and in the blood and brain is 90% water. This flow of energy can be brought into circulation also consciously.

Consciousness is very interesting and let me say that for our harmonious life the most important. Consciousness we can create our future thanks the Law of Attraction, when the idea has the energy potential to materialize, realize and heal. There is no good or evil in the universe. There is the principle of balance. When something is too little or too little, then the higher principle tries to compensate for this disbalance by adding and removing somewhere somewhere. It's like a swing - static dynamics.

If something is happening in our life, with which we are not satisfied (whether it is a disease, a partnership, a loss, or we will not be able to do anything), it is necessary understand PURPOSEwhy we are. CONSEQUENCE  it is only the result CAUSES. if we want to change it, we must start with our minds. If we want to make a change in our lives, we must first know exactly what we want. I the need to realize where we are now, in which situation (point A) and then imagine and to experience where I want to be what I want to achieve (point B), but mainly do not solve the path, which comes from that notional point A to point B. This journey is not important. Point B is important, and the space law itself chooses and directs the most efficient path. Life balance is also about the art of receiving, not just giving. This is related to self-confidence, and to close our circle with a functioning and harmonious vital energy.

Chakras, tones, frequencies

One has several energy spots in the body, or a vortex called chakras or also prana. There are a total of 7. Energy flows through them into the body and out. There are many of these places in the body, where each acupuncture point is a miniature chakra. The main division of the chakras is according to the radiated color, frequency and organs it affects.

Each chakra is connected to a sound frequency that corresponds to its harmonic state. It matches Solfeggio frequencies: Do (UT), Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Si.

  1. chakra - Root: basic needs, survival (food, water), a liberating sense of guilt and fear. Source of life force. The Slavs referred to as the source Živa. It is the primary source of our being. It activates through our conscious spiritual sexuality (tantra). DO (UT) - 396 Hz - tone LAM
  2. chakra - Sacral: processing new experiences, new people, returning situations and facilitating change. It affects creativity and sexuality. RE - 417 Hz - tone VAM
  3. chakra - Solar-plexus: the center of receiving our feelings and emotions. It has the power to repair human DNA and helps in transformation. MI - 528 Hz - tone RAM
  4. chakra - Cardiac: ability to share with people, interpersonal relationships, cohesion and brain harmonization. FA - 639 Hz - tone JAM.
  5. chakra - Cervical: affects the immune system and glands. It influences expression, understanding, solving situations, awakens intuition. SOL - 741 Hz - tone HAM
  6. chakra - Front: awakens intuition (the third eye), connects to the universal consciousness, returns to the spiritual order and promotes love without conditions. LA - 852 Hz
  7. chakra - Temenní, korunní: connects with the universe. It adds certainty in the direction of life, in the sense of being. SI - 963 Hz - tone OM

In addition to the above list of tone frequencies, 174 and 285 Hz can be taken as additional. They are also important:

  • 174 Hz - Lower tones are similar to natural anesthetics. This leads to the elimination of physical and mental pain. This frequency gives your organs a sense of security, security and love, and motivates them to do their best.
  • 285 Hz - This tone is useful in helping to treat energy wounds, burns, or to treat any other form of tissue damage. This frequency helps return tissue to its original form. It affects the energy fields by sending reports on the restructuring of damaged organs.

A new chronology of ages

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