Snowden uncovers documents about Intelligent Homo Sapiens living under the Earth's surface

5 02. 04. 2024
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

Edward Snowden, who revealed NSA documents, was granted asylum in Venezuela on Friday 19.2.2016. With a safe harbor in sight, Snowden was willing to share with us the shocking and world-shaking exclusive secret government documents at the web portal The Internet Chronicle.

Snowden's statement is:

The top government forces do not know what to do with UFOs. The official version that they are weather balloons or a natural phenomenon has taken long ago. In addition, these documents disclose the UFO that it is surely led by some intelligence that is far ahead of ours. As it looks, the most plausible and inexplicable are the observations of machines flying off the seabed at hydrothermal vents and directly entering the orbit. 

Because missile surveillance systems and deep sonar are kept as state secrets, scientists do not have access to data on these objects. However, most of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is certain that there is a much more intelligent species than homo sapiens living in the Earth's mantle. When you think about it, it makes sense, because in the mantle of Earth, the conditions for life have been more or less stable for billions of years. Extremophiles can have a different body temperature than ours and have been able to thrive and develop their intelligence at a seemingly accelerated pace. But that's not true, they were developing at the same pace, but without all the danger that threatened and always threatened people on the surface ...

Bark map The President receives daily reports of their activities. Analysts believe that their technology is so advanced that we have little chance of survival in possible war. But the main thing is that, from their point of view, we are just ants, so there is little chance that they would sympathize with us or try to communicate with us. The current contingency plan is to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caves to hit an enemy that we do not have the chance to destroy in the hope of discouraging it from further attacks. 

Critics may say that what this XNUMX-year-old former NSA and CIA employee says about our "alien" neighbors is well known. But scans from GPR (Ground-Penetrating Radar) which The Internet Chronicle published and confirmed within the intelligence community, will only serve to promote popular bitterness about strategically timed earthquakes and tsunamis.

Just as when PRISM (the secret surveillance program) sheds new light on events at the NSA computer systems ECHELON (the secret code name, also known as the Five Eyes), revealed in 1990, large underground city complexes - laser cut from pure diamond - seen in GPR scans, will transform the public debate on the balance between freedom and security.

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