Nairam Insider: The New Chronology of the Ages (1.): Who are we and where did we come from?

14. 04. 2017
6th international conference of exopolitics, history and spirituality

You also didn't enjoy history at school and you had a hard time remembering some events and their dates, let alone details? And what if it's because the events were completely different, or didn't happen at all? And it's not just about history, but also about math, physics, geometry and other subjects.

Conversely, reading articles, books, and information (perhaps on this site) that are considered conspiracy theories, nonsense, and bizarre reports, you remember a lot of things (even if you are already in an advanced age) the feeling and the belief that it is true or that it is very close to the real one the truth - You just resonate with it. But why is that so?

There is something that is said collective consciousness passed down from generation to generation and from civilization to civilization through the so-called morphogenetic fields. We perceive all this subconsciously, and even though those events happened a long time ago (according to our perception of time), this information in the form of energy has never disappeared. They still exist here with us and we can subconsciously feel and perceive them.

Recently, there have been many new publications, personalities, and above all information that goes as they say "upstream", but there are so many and so fragmented that the reader, viewer or listener hardly puts a story that would he fits in like you're painting a picture of a thousand puzzle pieces. In addition, there are plenty of websites whose authors often only copy information to each other or want to be the only ones to provide for a fee.

That's why in this series I will try to put the puzzle into a gripping form only a brief picture of history, present and future. I offer you a kind of guide that could direct us to think and understand the new path behind better tomorrow. Read with an open heart and try to incorporate your own intuition and tuning. For truth is often hidden among the lines. And if you have any doubts, you can always write a comment under this article. I decided to share your information with you different sourcesso you can think about these topics; they felt them and found their own path that would be closest to your heart - your view of Truth. :)

Who are we and where did we come from?
Each galaxy has 3 stages of its development that can be compared to adolescence, maturity, and dying. The galaxies are in a pair and are energetically linked to their galactic core. For our story, I'll use the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy to explain why. These two galaxies are energetically linked to each other as a brother and sister who holds their hands in their development. Our galaxy has a positive charge (+) and Andromeda has a negative charge (-). Each galaxy evolves (grows, grows) at a certain speed. The problem arises when one develops faster than the other, and because they are energetically interconnected, the slower slows the faster. And that's just the Milky Way story, as a slower brother and Andromeda, as quicker sisters.

But why is that so? Andromeda was inhabited and inhabited mainly by humanoid (angelic) beings, who are located in odd dimensions (3D, 5D, 7D…), while the Milky Way belonged and still belongs to dragon and reptile beings (Reptilians), which are in even dimensions (4D, 6D, 8D…). Reptilians for their properties (they are aggressive and act without emotions, they have no feeling) hinder the development of our galaxy and keep it in lower vibrations.

Pair galaxies

If both galaxies were released (disconnected from energy), it would have to do with catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it was decided at Andromeda that the Milky Way would be inhabited by humanoid (angelic) beings in order to increase vibration and accelerate its development.

When the reptilian creatures discovered that a humanoid creature had come to their "district", conflicts began. Humanoid creatures came from Andromeda from 7D, but due to the low vibrations of the Milky Way and the Reptilian conflicts, they gradually collapsed to 3D (hence the expression fallen angels). Note: for putting into the situation: In 3D there is bipolarity / duality and physical body, in 7D there is unity and energy bodies, where the dimension can be imagined as vibration, frequency. It is not an environment or space. Both of these galaxies are in the stage of adolescence in which 6 - 8 remains for billions of years.

A new chronology of ages

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